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working-class barrios

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@wwaycorrigan “You can take the man out of the barrio, but you can’t take the barrio out of the man.” OK, that old saying doesn’t really apply to me in its entirety. For Bogotá’s ‘barrios populares’, the working-class neighbourhoods, are(...)

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@radiobrendan It’s nice to feel part of a community. Indeed, for the most part we’re social beings, thus to associate with a group is usually good for the body and soul. The majority of us are born into communities, some of which are more tightly knit than others. But(...)

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@radiobrendan The first step in solving a problem, so it is said, is realising you have one. It pretty much stands to reason really. You’ve got to know what you’re trying to fix before you begin to fix it. Yet, for some things, what one person sees as a problem, or at(...)

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