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Wrong Way Corrigan

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] ‘Beware the quiet ones.’ Considering this saying has achieved adage status, there must be at least some modicum of truth to it. ‘You say it best when you say nothing at all’ Of course, not(...)

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] ‘Why try to be somebody you’re not?’ That epigraph has been brought to you by the soft drink, Sprite. OK, the brand wasn’t the first to use it, but I do recall its TV advert — commercial(...)

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] Sustainable tourism. Measured by how most travel to a tourist spot — saying nothing of where they stay, what they do and eat — and using carbon neutral as the measure, the term sustainable tourism is really(...)

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] Almost all of us have felt this frustration at some stage. You get what you think is a good deal at the time but later you discover it could have been so much better. In most cases, brooding over it is of little(...)

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