[Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.]
There’s been much talk of the pandemic ushering in a ‘Great Reset’. Depending on your viewpoint, it’s either a positive opportunity to change how we live or it’s an attempt by the controlling elite to exert even more influence over us, to ensure our subservience to the overlords.
Whatever the case, on the individual level, many of us have been reappraising our lives throughout these hokey-cokey times (by hokey-cokey, I refer to the ‘one foot in, one foot out, shake it all about’ lockdowns and other such restrictive measures we’ve experienced of late).
With both a desire by some to live a more virtuous life and a potentially enforced Great Reset in mind — heavy on grand rhetoric but light on specifics as the latter appears to be — here I suggest changes to a few key areas that, if implemented, will surely have us within touching distance of salvation. Until the rules of engagement change again, that is.
Travel and general movement
Good news first. There will be absolutely no restrictions on moving around for those on foot or push-bike (we’re not sure about rollerblading and skateboarding — they seem a bit too radical). In other words, self-propelled movement, as in using your own energy to get around, is limitless. No interfering state here (but it will be tracking you, all the same).
For those who feel the need to use transport whose motion is propelled by means other than one’s own energy, there will be a daily limit of 20 kilometres. While this may seem quite tight, you will be allowed to accumulate unused kilometres. So, for example, if you didn’t use mechanically powered transport for two years straight, in the third year you’d have built up 14,600 kilometres to use. What more could you want?
Needless to say, billionaires and world leaders are excluded from this — and all the following measures — due to the fact that civilisation would end should their ability to operate be curtailed in any way.
Food and drink
Similar to travel, there will be no restrictions on what you can consume provided it is sourced within a — give us a number — OK, 50-kilometre radius of where you live.
To be clear, by sourced I mean grown or reared within that catchment area.
‘As we’re nearing the end of history, references to the past will be removed from the internet. It’s time to look forward guys, not back.’
All other foodstuffs will be subject to very punitive taxes, the exact details of which have yet to be finalised.
In line with the previous — can you guess what’s coming? — there will be no limit on the purchase of clothing whose raw materials come from inside a 50-kilometre radius and whose fabrication also occurs within that area.
Outside of that, the restrictions are as follows:
– No more than five units of each officially recognised undergarment per person per year, i.e. five pairs of socks, five boxers, five vests, five knickers, five pairs of tights, five bras.
– No more than two upper-body items of clothing per person per year.
– One lower-body item of clothing per person per year.
– One suit per person per year.
– No more than two footwear items per person per year (there will be an associated campaign to get people to walk barefoot more often — think of it as bottom-up toughening up).
All citizens of the world will be provided with a smartphone that must be kept switched on during one’s active hours.
What’s more, everyone must have a Facebook account and spend at least two hours per day on it — no problem for many that.
People can publish whatever material they wish, provided it meets the approval of the moderators. In addition, material can be removed with no prior warning and no reason needs to be given. Moreover, users can be banned from posting material should these faceless, answerable-to-nobody moderators see fit to do so. (Please note, the identity of moderators is not revealed in order to protect all of humankind.)
Finally, as we’re nearing the end of history, references to the past will be removed from the internet. It’s time to look forward guys, not back.
That’s enough to take in for now. I’ll be back with more later. In any case, it’s an impressive blueprint for a better future, isn’t it?
Listen to Wrong Way’s Colombia Cast podcast here.
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