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The Wrong Way Corrigan Brains Trust has been otherwise engaged over the last couple of weeks. The chief reason was due to our planning of the latest IQuiz “The Bogotá Pub Quiz”, Bogotá’s top trivia night!
The actual live event, our 55th edition, took place at Bogotá’s snug Cervecería Gigante on Plaza de Lourdes on Thursday 19 May 2022.
Via the following link, you can try it out for yourself. Why not play with family and friends? The idea, of course, is that it’s a bit of light entertainment. Don’t take it too seriously! For access to the PowerPoint presentation, visit
For the audio in rounds one, two and three go to
For the audio in round four, check out
And for the “election” songs in the final round, five, go to
As a guide, at the live, in-person event, after the five regulation rounds, we had a tie, with the leading teams getting a respectable 36 points out of 50. ‘Las Babillas del Sinú’ (what a name!) got closest to the answer in the tie-break question, thus winning the first prize.
So give it a go and let us know how you do. Enjoy and good luck!
Listen to Wrong Way’s Colombia Cast podcast here.
Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz “The Bogotá Pub Quiz”.