Sebnem Gunay se inspiró en su familia, amigos, infancia y en Jane Fonda para elaborar su nueva colección llamada Para recuerdos mejores, en la que emplea tonos suaves y claros. Y que fue expuesta por 21 mujeres y 3 hombres con diseños de otoño-invierno 2019-20.
Esta colección trata sobre la calle, la pista de baile, el gimnasio, un feliz domingo o una primera cita. Y en ella el diseñador expresa su estilo de una manera perfecta: «No importa cómo se mire, se trata más de ser uno mismo».
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Designer Sebnem Gunay acknowledges the applause of the audience after her show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Designer Sebnem Gunay acknowledges the applause of the audience after her show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: Models walk the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model, detail, walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY – MARCH 21: A model, detail, walks the runway at the Sebnem Gunay show during Mercedes-Benz Istanbul Fashion Week at Zorlu Performance Hall on March 21, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Cansin Soyer/Getty Images for IMG)
Licenciada en derecho, cuenta con varios cursos en Parsons School of Design, crítica de moda, Fashion Stylist, creadora de contenido, curadora de talento, media consultant, publirelacionista, especialista en metaverso, miembro de la mesa directiva de Fashion Group International Mexico City, consejera de AmigosMAP, consejera editorial de Reforma Club, editora y blogger de él periódico el Tiempo de Colombia. Columnista en el Heraldo de México. Comenzó su carrera profesional siendo la primera mexicana en Vogue Italia como corresponsal de moda en Fashion Week Dubai. Más de once años de experiencia editorial. Colaboradora de varios medios internacionales entre ellos Fashion Tv y próximamente ..... Su última colaboración editorial fue en Memorias de un maniquí.
BERNARDA es una marca de moda mexicana contemporánea, es un homenaje desde el respeto y el amor a su madre y a su tierra. La firma fabricada completamente en México que ha participado en infinidad de desfiles y shows como Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, INTERMODA, SAPICA, FASHION...
Ciudad de México, Noviembre de 2024.- se llevó a cabo Night of Stars, el evento más importante del Fashion Group International Mexico City, presidido por Zaira Marino, que celebra y enaltece a aquellos que están llevando, desde distintos ámbitos, a la industria de la moda en México en alto. En el St. Regis, se dieron […]
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En 1964, la pareja Carlos Romero Huxley y Regina Calzada de Romero entraron al negocio de la piel. Formaron un gran equipo ya que Carlos se ocupaba de las tenerías familiares en Monterrey y Regina tenía experiencia en ventas de accesorios para dama. Siempre independiente,...
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