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Fabián Salazar Guerrero. Theologian. Director INTERFE Foundation.


In life we are presented with opportunities to make changes that are necessary for our tranquility, for our prosperity or simply because we have already completed a stage. These are moments of courage to overcome fears, forgive, leave the old ways behind and confront the new horizons with great faith.

Here I share some strategies to take these changes with hope:


  • Review our own history and remember those moments when changes helped us grow, times when we overcome pain or fear and the opportunities we had to be better. This will be a motivation to remind us that if we could do it before now we can also


  • Read biographies of prominent women and men in different areas and especially those of our interest; this will inspire us to move forward, despite the difficulties, of age, of resources, of obstacles or of different opinions of people that can worry us unnecessarily.


  • Make a list of those tasks that we believe have pending in our lives to begin to perform them immediately. Dreams need to be fulfilled already, those things that make us happy await us promptly, the opportunities to grow are close, the occasions to indulge give us no wait, the moments to smile are current. We have a whole universe of possibilities to take into our hands.


  • Strengthen the close emotional circle that helps us sustain a change in our lives and at the same time create new networks of friendships that lead us to new routes, to new learning and above all to new ways of seeing what surrounds us.


  • Plan trips to places that we would not ordinarily think of going; surely we will open new horizons that will generate a change in the way of feeling the world. We will no longer be equal to our return. It is also possible to think of living in another city or another country as an opportunity to start over.


  • Search for new spaces for interaction, be it in volunteering, in conversation circles, in sports, in artistic activities or in groups of affinities; they will bring us new experiences and learning from meeting new people.


  • Study a new language, hopefully something different from the conventional ones of the context; this truly transforms the mind, since not only is a language learned but a culture permeates a new worldview, which will bring new opportunities.


  • Learn a trade outside of your profession. This alternative will open different spaces that one day can become an important economic possibility; they will also be the possibility of keeping us healthy and useful.


  • Explore new work alternatives and / or seek new independent business or social ventures. It’s time to enjoy what we do.


  • Be grateful for everything we have and thank in advance for everything we already be and have and everything we will be and will have.


And most importantly, we must get away as soon as possible from those places, situations and people that make us retreat, that have us stuck, that make us afraid to continue and that bind us with pain or manipulation.


The change asks for courage but the fruits are sweet, because we can finally breathe and see the light in the midst of so many shadows of doubts and sadness. God will accompany us on the Way.


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El teólogo Fabián Salazar Guerrero, ha dedicado gran parte de su vida al estudio de diversas denominaciones religiosas, visitando varios países y compartiendo enseñanzas con líderes de diferentes tradiciones espirituales. Su labor como consultor, junto a su reconocida trayectoria como investigador y profesor Universitario de Teología, le ha permitido acompañar procesos de integración interconfesional y reconciliación. Actualmente dirige la fundación para el diálogo y la cooperación Intereligiosa INTERFE y se desempeña profesionalmente como consejero espiritual personal y empresarial.

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