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In this independent blogging/vlogging game, the numbers do make a difference. OK, it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever make a living from it but one does get a small endorphin hit when one publishes what turns out to be a, um hit, views-wise.

Wrong Way Corrigan's hits and misses of 2023

The 2012-published Lord of the Dance proved popular in 2023.

My modest hits would, of course, be considered terrible misses by the bigger players; it’s all relative.

Missing the hits!
So what did Wrong Way Corrigan get right in terms of popular posts across the various platforms in 2023? And where was I a good bit off target?

Starting where my online content creation began, with Google Blogger, the most-viewed (I was going to write most-read but a view of the story doesn’t necessarily mean that it was read!) was Living with unsettled and unsettling questions — 664 views as I write, in case you’re wondering!

Incidentally, the most-viewed story on Google Blogger over the last 12 months wasn’t a piece that was published this year. It was 2012’s Lord of the dance. A timeless tale!

‘The Google blog is coming close to becoming a teenager. They grow up so fast, don’t they?’

The least-viewed, excluding the most recent to be published, is Letter to the editor: Ireland’s waste water, with a paltry 39 views.

Over at my El Tiempo blog, with a decent 1,458 views, Little thirst to teach English in these thinking times leads the way for the year ending.

At the other end of the scale is The care necessities: Dealing with old age with a rather pathetic 26.

On YouTube, A Boyacá fruit route: Tierra Negra-Nuevo Colón-Turmequé was the top performer of vlogs published in 2023 (YouTube makes the views public knowledge, so you can click on the hyperlink to find out the number!).

Making the bell toll for us while we still can | What’s rung is rung! didn’t quite reach the heights of A Boyacá fruit route!

For YouTube Shorts, A Bogotá jam … is tops. Up in the clouds with Zetaquirá’s Virgin Mary! has been more down in the dumps in terms of views!

Finally, on the podcast front, Not so gaga for physical footy: Time to nip it in the rib? didn’t excite the masses.

Finding that savoury spot between feasting and fasting performed a little bit better. Just a little, that is!

So there we have it. Perhaps 2024 will see Wrong Way Corrigan become more occupied with other, better-paying projects. The blog is our baby, all the same. In fact, the Google blog is coming close to becoming a teenager. They grow up so fast, don’t they?
Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz “The Bogotá Pub Quiz”.

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La vida en Colombia desde la perspectiva de un periodista y locutor irlandés, quien ha vivido en el país desde 2011. El blog explora temas sociales y culturales, interacción con los nativos, viajes, actualidades y mucho más. Escucha su podcast acá: https://anchor.fm/brendan-corrigan.

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