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La infancia y la juventud se van rápido, hay afán por el tiempo, que tiene entonces, paso de tortuga.  Somos adultos la mayor parte de la vida, pero ahí el tiempo es la liebre, que pierde la carrera, aunque sea más veloz.  La ciencia lo ha tratado de explicar, pero las(...)

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] There is a view in certain circles that Indigenous peoples in isolated areas live a largely wholesome and simple life, at one with nature, in stark contrast to us folk in more digitally connected, fast-paced(...)

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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] Most if not all bullies are also cowards. They pick on the relatively powerless, knowing that they are unlikely to meet any significant resistance. Bully Blogger Google Blogger has been showing itself to be a(...)

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