
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan The last week in Bogotá saw a fair amount of uproar  —  and traffic disruption — following the decision by city authorities to ban motorcyclists from having male pillion passengers. The measure, which applies to only certain sectors of the metropolis, is...

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@radiobrendan It’s safe to assume that most foreigners, especially those from the West, who come to Colombia on a whim don’t arrive with the expectation to make money here. That is to say, those who come not having work already lined up with a decent paying...

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@radiobrendan «What?! You were in Cali for its famous end-of-year festival and you didn’t go to it. Madness!» That’s pretty much how most view our (three like-minded Irishmen that is) non-attendance at any of the Cali festival events during our recent visit there....

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@radiobrendan ‘Manizales, el mejor vividero del país.’ So runs the slogan on the city’s tourist map. It basically means it’s the best place to live in Colombia. It’s a bit of a statement to make in a land that has an abundance of natural beauty...

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@radiobrendan Atheism can offer us alternative ‘comforts’ to religion. We just have to look a little harder to find them. It wasn’t quite billed as a clash of titans, religion versus science, but with the Rocky walk-on music it hinted that we might be in for...

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The Bogotá bubbles

@radiobrendan In a Colombian context, especially in relation to employment, Bogotá is where it’s at for the most part. As the capital and most populated city, it’s the place that attracts the most job seekers, both from within and outside the country. In many...

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@radiobrendan It’s no major revelation to state that the main reason most tourists go to Santa Marta is to visit the attractions surrounding it. In other words, the city is a tourism hub solely because it’s close to places of greater interest and beauty. (It’s...

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@radiobrendan As most Colombian country folk know well, if you poke a bull, you can expect a reaction. In the same way, if you antagonise people, most of us will react in some way. There are a number professions, however, where maintaining a cool head and looking at things...

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