
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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Cosying up to Cúcuta

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Considering Cúcuta is my most-visited Colombian city — with Bogotá being home — it’s been a bit of an oversight that I’ve never written a dedicated piece about the Norte de Santander capital....

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@wwaycorrigan With the not-quite-post-pandemic «new normal» taking shape, IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Colombia’s favourite (pending independent verification) trivia night made a long-awaited live return. Cervecería Gigante, an old acquaintance but now with a shiny...

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Happy in Jenesano

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Well, it may have taken 19 months, but I finally managed to swap the Bogotá beat for some pastoral peace, of sorts. (I’m discounting, due to their brevity, this year’s day escapes on foot to Cota and La Calera as well as a bike […]

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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] ‘There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.’ That famous observation, attributed, rightly or wrongly, to Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov — better known as Lenin to...

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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] The chaotic times Colombia is experiencing bring to mind just how inflexible a presidential system can be. Back me or sack me Faced with such a crisis in a parliamentary democracy, a motion of no confidence would most likely be tabled against the prime […]

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