
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan Back in the heady days of the Republic of Ireland’s «glorious» run at Italia ’90 — fair enough, the team reached the last eight but did so without winning a single game in 90 minutes — it practically amounted to treason to question the side’s approach or not to be fully supportive of «the […]

Colombia Vs. Argentina. Foto de:
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@wwaycorrigan «You’re a posh boy now, a gomelo.» So go the jibes from my old barrio buddies now that I find myself living in a swankier part of Bogotá (gomelo, for the uninitiated, is the Colombian word for what you might call preppy types). Yes, it’s true, my move a few kilometres south of my […]

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@wwaycorrigan An old friend once told me that in the world of gambling on horses, it’s best to be in one of two camps: The first is to know a lot about it, where you make an informed, «backed-up-by-facts» decision on your selection. The other is knowing nothing or...

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Me, myself and I

@wwaycorrigan There is an expression we use in Ireland to describe those who put themselves before everybody else. We call them ‘mé féiners’, putting an English ending to two Irish-language words, ‘mé féin’, meaning ‘myself’. Basically, you could say these are a type of fundamentalist individualist. ‘The greater good for the greater number’ only comes […]

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@wwaycorrigan There is a general belief that ‘true’ journalism — the old, honest, non-fake news kind that is — and marketing don’t go together. Or, by definition at least, the former should always be very suspicious of the latter. A science versus religion...

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A new state of play?

@wwaycorrigan Some of you may have noticed (hopefully you did anyway!) that there hasn’t been a new post up here for some time. In fact, November was the first-ever ‘dry month’ in terms of new blog stories since this page went live back in January 2014. There...

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@wwaycorrigan After almost seven years of having Bogotá as the base, the greatest ‘achievement’ — let’s not get caught up in the semantics here — has been my assimilation to the working-class Bogotá barrio life. While many locals with aspirations to...

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@radiobrendan In previous posts I wrote about, or at least mentioned in passing, the visa issues I had in Colombia this year. Indeed, the chief reason for my recent visit to Venezuela was down to being unable to renew my ‘independent journalist’ visa. (I am somewhat...

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@radiobrendan Sorry, sorry. I know the, um, legions of Wrong Way readers have been wondering where I’ve got to the last while. The recent presidential election and Colombia’s World Cup exploits, nay the tournament in general, have been distractions for sure. «Yet»,...

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