
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan After over six years based in Bogotá we’ve experienced many aspects of Colombian life, from the hugely enjoyable to the utterly frustrating. However, there’s one thing that, thankfully, we’ve yet to sample (and hopefully never will): The health...

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@radiobrendan There is very often a significant difference between what one might like to see happen and what actually does transpire. In this regard, in relation to our previous post, lest there be any confusion, we don’t expect Humberto de la Calle to be Colombia’s...

Colombia's president-in-waiting, Iván Duque ...
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@radiobrendan OK, we may need to change our preference. While we still have plenty of respect for V.E. Blanco, the sad reality is, for, um, existential reasons he won’t actually physically make it to Palacio de Nariño, Colombia’s presidential palace. That being so,...

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@radiobrendan Oh what exciting times we have in Colombia. Election fever is in the air. In early March we’ve the curtain-raiser, the congress ‘deciders’. Then in May the big one gets under way, the first round of the presidential contest. For the record, a...

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@radiobrendan The last week in Bogotá saw a fair amount of uproar  —  and traffic disruption — following the decision by city authorities to ban motorcyclists from having male pillion passengers. The measure, which applies to only certain sectors of the metropolis, is...

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@radiobrendan As most Colombian country folk know well, if you poke a bull, you can expect a reaction. In the same way, if you antagonise people, most of us will react in some way. There are a number professions, however, where maintaining a cool head and looking at things...

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What the Farc?!

@radiobrendan There have been a few developments since we took our what-you-might-call slightly tongue-in-cheek look at the early candidates for Colombia’s 2018 presidential election. Rather than having a clearer picture of the state of play, things have got even more...

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@radiobrendan For the last 12 months or so Colombia seemed to be on the crest of a wave somewhat. This was mostly down to the implementation of the peace deal signed between the government and the country’s largest rebel group, Farc. Heady times, albeit superficially and in just some areas. The bounce Colombia got internationally […]

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Left misérables

@radiobrendan We tend not to get too caught up in the left/right political tabs. It can be a bit simplistic to label somebody as purely leftist or rightist. Very often people display traits and have beliefs that come from both sides, regardless of how they may view themselves....

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