Wrong Way Corrigan

Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan Regular readers of this blog (stop it, there are a couple) will know I’m generally happiest when on the move. That tends to mean travelling, but it can also refer to feeling busy, having lots to do from a ‘fulfilling’ work point of view. On that...

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@radiobrendan Oh what exciting times we have in Colombia. Election fever is in the air. In early March we’ve the curtain-raiser, the congress ‘deciders’. Then in May the big one gets under way, the first round of the presidential contest. For the record, a...

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@radiobrendan The last week in Bogotá saw a fair amount of uproar  —  and traffic disruption — following the decision by city authorities to ban motorcyclists from having male pillion passengers. The measure, which applies to only certain sectors of the metropolis, is...

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@radiobrendan It’s safe to assume that most foreigners, especially those from the West, who come to Colombia on a whim don’t arrive with the expectation to make money here. That is to say, those who come not having work already lined up with a decent paying...

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@radiobrendan «What?! You were in Cali for its famous end-of-year festival and you didn’t go to it. Madness!» That’s pretty much how most view our (three like-minded Irishmen that is) non-attendance at any of the Cali festival events during our recent visit there....

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@radiobrendan ‘Manizales, el mejor vividero del país.’ So runs the slogan on the city’s tourist map. It basically means it’s the best place to live in Colombia. It’s a bit of a statement to make in a land that has an abundance of natural beauty...

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@radiobrendan Atheism can offer us alternative ‘comforts’ to religion. We just have to look a little harder to find them. It wasn’t quite billed as a clash of titans, religion versus science, but with the Rocky walk-on music it hinted that we might be in for...

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