Wrong Way Corrigan

Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan Right. That’s it. I can’t stay silent about this any more. In fact, if I don’t vent now there’s a danger that if things build up any further, who knows what I might do? So, let Operation De-steam commence. Good citizens of Colombia please,...

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@radiobrendan It will come as no surprise to most of you to hear that Colombia is a land of many treasures. The majority of these are natural, although it has even got a man-made Indiana Jones style ‘Lost City’; well it’s very much found now but it was lost, or...

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@radiobrendan Right, I knew there existed in Colombia a tiny segment of support for, to say the least, a less than glorious period of German history and the accompanying beliefs associated with it. However, I wasn’t aware that love of the ‘Fatherland’ here is...

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@radiobrendan So the World Cup party rolls on and, thankfully, Colombia is very much still in the mix. These heady times that the country is going through, something mentioned on this blog a few weeks back, are not only continuing but also appear to be increasing in magnitude. Of course, having got to the last […]

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@radiobrendan What a heady few days it’s been for Colombia. There’s what you might call a giddy excitement about the place. Most of that, unsurprisingly, is emanating from La Selección’s (national football team’s) rather impressive start to the World Cup. After a gap of 16 years since their last appearance at the finals, seeing off […]

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@radiobrendan ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ So considering our own crowd, that is to say the Republic of Ireland, couldn’t beat them, the choice for most Irish, even those with just a token interest in soccer (football if you will), is to join them...

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@radiobrendan Things have started to stabilise a little for me here of late. Well about as much as they can stabilise for somebody with a wanderlust mind in a not very reliable and at times frustrating country. Everything is relative. A major part of this stabilisation has been...

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@radiobrendan An old friend used to say that, because he has neither an interest in nor knowledge of Irish rugby, it follows that he shouldn’t have any say in who the national coach is. He used this as an analogy with the universal franchise; that is giving everybody over a certain age the vote. The […]

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@radiobrendan The time for posturing and talking is almost over. We’ve known the participants for some time, now we’re about to find out which one has what it takes to go all the way. Most of us, more or less, have a pretty decent idea of who the genuine contenders...

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