Es esta la Latinoamérica de Chávez?
Los Latinoamericanos siempre hemos tenido la excusa de Estados Unidos y su Influencia «Maligna» en Latinoamérica para justificar muchos de nuestros problemas. Sin embargo, Los últimos 10 años el «Imperio» nos ha dejado solitos, porque está muy ocupado luchando contra el terrorismo y ahora la crisis económica mundial. Como resultado, nuestros problemas salen a flote como lo que siempre han sido, nuestros problemas, causados por nosotros mismos, y sin solución casi que totalmente por nuestra culpa. Para la muestra tenemos lo que ha ocurrido en Ecuador, Bolivia, Honduras, Argentina, Nicaragua y, especialmente Venezuela, con sus revoluciones izquierdistas, o mejor, populistas.
Y es que como en las peores épocas de los caudillos latinoamericanos, los grandes defectos de nuestra idiosincrasia, de nuestra cultura política y gobiernos están evidentes, y andan campantes por las capitales de algunas de nuestra repúblicas, antes supuestamente apabulladas por el poder Americano. La verdad es que hoy que están solas, empiezan a mostrar los endémicos problemas de nuestra cultura, esta vez sin poderle echar la culpa a Nadie. Corrupción, ineficiencia, inequidad, falta casi absoluta de justicia, individualismo, populismo, por mencionar algunas de nuestras características especiales, continúan siendo parte de la vida de las naciones Latinoamericanas, increíblemente, sin que los estados Unidos influyan para que así sea.
De todos estos ejemplos, hay uno que definitivamente resalta, por su estado y su líder: Venezuela. La máxima expresión del populismo Latinoamericano, crónico, ineficiente y corrupto, es el ejemplo del presidente Chávez y su gobierno, Con una gravedad adicional. El presidente Chávez cree tener el derecho de reemplazar a los Estados Unidos como la nación que nos dice a los demás como debemos comportarnos, que clase de país debemos tener, a quien podemos o no podemos dejar entrar a nuestros países, y hasta como los pueblos deben votar. Todo lo que La izquierda latinoamericana le atribuía irónica e irresponsablemente al «Imperio», ahora resulta que es la política de estado del presidente líder de esa izquierda revolucionaria de nuestro bendecido continente.
Sus acciones son realmente desconcertantes. Su intromisión en los asuntos de Colombia con otras naciones, sus comprobados nexos con grupos terroristas y su clara intención expansionista en la región, lo hacen ver como ese «imperio» del que tanto reniega en público, pero con el que mantiene las mas solidas y amigables relaciones comerciales posibles, mientras que a Colombia lo amenaza con romper relaciones diplomáticas y económicas porque existen pruebas de sus nexos y los de algunos de sus aliados en la región con las FARC, en un claro ataque al Gobierno colombiano, y peor aún, a su pueblo. Su presión constante e ilegal en campañas electorales alrededor del continente, su activismo político en muchos países, promoviendo reformas constitucionales como la que el logró en Venezuela a través del resquebrajamiento de la oposición y la consolidación de reelecciones indefinidas, su financiación de regímenes izquierdistas e incluso dictatoriales para mantener su influencia en la región, entre otras acciones, hacen ver al presidente Venezolano como el verdadero Imperio del que el supuestamente nos quiere liberar.
Es intrigante ver las acciones de Chávez y su interés por posicionarse como el caudillo latinoamericano. Sus piedras en el zapato son los regímenes opuestos, respetuosos de la comunidad internacional, interesados en la integración económica regional y global, amigos de los Estados Unidos y que , a pesar que Chávez goza de grandes capitales y ejerce un alto nivel de populismo con ellos, son naciones mejor situadas en lo económico y lo político. Ellos son Colombia, México, panamá, Chile, Perú y últimamente Brasil, porque este último tiene un interés claro en tomar su lugar de liderazgo en el concierto Latinoamericano, papel que Chávez cree tener derecho a poseer.
En todo esto hay una gran diferencia entre los imperios imaginarios de Chávez y los que tienen verdadera influencia en la región. El imperialismo Chavista está basado en Dinero. En su capacidad de mantener su influencia a través de las prácticas que han llevado a muchas naciones americanas a la casi anarquía. La influencia de los Estados Unidos o Brasil en la región están basadas en la supremacía política, tecnológica, económica e internacional de estas naciones en el concierto mundial. Las supuestas prácticas imperialistas, algunas benéficas y otras no tanto para nuestras naciones, son el producto del reconocido nivel de superioridad y de la existencia de algunas ventajas para ambas partes, aunque pueda ser desigual, pero es esa la realidad de la influencia de los grandes poderes sobre naciones pequeñas y de poca influencia. Ese es el poder que se obtiene cuando se logra el nivel de una potencia mundial o regional. La Venezuela de Chávez, con todo su petróleo, está en condiciones inferiores en casi todas las mediciones, que los de sus antagonistas. Esa Latinoamérica de Chávez, representada en sus 4 o 5 aliados y sus constantes confrontaciones con sus antagonistas, pronto se va a cansar de los aires imperialistas del líder Venezolano. El avance de la comunidad internacional pondrá en su sitio político e histórico adecuado al presidente de los venezolanos. La región, sin embargo, posiblemente acelerará este proceso, porque el continente parece ser cada vez menos, esa Latinoamérica en la cabeza y en los planes del presidente Chávez.
Then-Senator «Dedicated to Collaboration with the Medellín Cartel at High Government Levels»
Confidential DIA Report Had Uribe Alongside Pablo Escobar, Narco-Assassins
Uribe «Worked for the Medellín Cartel» and was a «Close Personal Friend of Pablo Escobar»
Washington, D.C., 1 August 2004 – Then-Senator and now President Álvaro Uribe Vélez of Colombia was a «close personal friend of Pablo Escobar» who was «dedicated to collaboration with the Medellín [drug] cartel at high government levels,» according to a 1991 intelligence report from U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials in Colombia. The document was posted today on the website of the National Security Archive, a non-governmental research group based at George Washington University.
Uribe’s inclusion on the list raises new questions about allegations that surfaced during Colombia’s 2002 presidential campaign. Candidate Uribe bristled and abruptly terminated an interview in March 2002 when asked by Newsweek reporter Joseph Contreras about his alleged ties to Escobar and his associations with others involved in the drug trade. Uribe accused Contreras of trying to smear his reputation, saying that, «as a politician, I have been honorable and accountable.»
The newly-declassified report, dated 23 September 1991, is a numbered list of «the more important Colombian narco-traffickers contracted by the Colombian narcotic cartels for security, transportation, distribution, collection and enforcement of narcotics operations.» The document was released by DIA in May 2004 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the Archive in August 2000.
The source of the report was removed by DIA censors, but the detailed, investigative nature of the report — the list corresponds with a numbered set of photographs that were apparently provided with the original — suggests it was probably obtained from Colombian or U.S. counternarcotics personnel. The document notes that some of the information in the report was verified «via interfaces with other agencies.»
President Uribe — now a key U.S. partner in the drug war — «was linked to a business involved in narcotics activities in the United States» and «has worked for the Medellín cartel,» the narcotics trafficking organization led by Escobar until he was killed by Colombian government forces in 1993. The report adds that Uribe participated in Escobar’s parliamentary campaign and that as senator he had «attacked all forms of the extradition treaty» with the U.S.
«Because both the source of the report and the reporting officer’s comments section were not declassified, we cannot be sure how the DIA judged the accuracy of this information,» said Michael Evans, director of the Archive’s Colombia Documentation Project, «but we do know that intelligence officials believed the document was serious and important enough to pass on to analysts in Washington.»
In a statement issued on July 30, the Colombian government took exception to several items reported in the document, saying that Uribe has never had any foreign business dealings, that his father was killed while fleeing a kidnap attempt by FARC guerrillas, and that he had not opposed the extradition treaty, but merely hoped to postpone a referendum to prevent the possibility that narcotraffickers would influence the vote.
The communiqué, however, did not deny the most significant allegation reported in the document: that Uribe had a close personal relationship with Pablo Escobar and business dealings with the Medellín Cartel.
The document is marked «CONFIDENTIAL NOFORN WNINTEL,» indicating that its disclosure could reasonably be expected to damage national security, that its content was based on intelligence sources and methods, and that it should not be shared with foreign nationals.
Uribe, the 82nd name on the list, appears on the same page as Escobar and Fidel Castaño, who went on to form the country’s major paramilitary army, a State Department-designated terrorist group now engaged in peace negotiations with the Uribe government. Written in March 1991 while Escobar was still a fugitive, the report was forwarded to Washington several months after his surrender to Colombian authorities in June 1991.
Most of those on the list are well-known drug traffickers or assassins associated with the Medellín cartel. Others listed include ex-president of Panama Manuel Noriega, Iran-contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, and Carlos Vives, a Colombian entertainer said to be connected to the narcotics business through his uncle.
Click here to read the document
23 September 1991 (Date of Information 18 March 1991)
Narcotics – Colombian Narco-trafficker Profiles
Defense Intelligence Agency, Intelligence Information Report, Confidential, 14 pp.
Source: Declassification Release Under the Freedom of Information Act, May 2004
Is the Document Accurate?
As stated in the document, the report is «not finally evaluated» intelligence information. In other words, the information reported in the document is only as good as its source. In this case, the DIA has withheld from release the source of the information as well as the comments of the reporting official from the Department of Defense, making it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information listed in the document. However, the document differs from the average field report in several ways:
1) The summary indicates that information in the report was cross-checked «via interfaces with other agencies,» indicating that some evaluation had already taken place.
2) The summary offers no caveats or qualifications on the credibility of the information and is stated as fact. It thus seems likely that the originator of the report (the «source») believed the information to be true.
3) The report includes many details like identification card numbers and dates of birth, giving it the appearance of an official, investigative document. The fact that the numbered list corresponds to photographs that were provided with the original suggests that the report had a variety of uses, including criminal investigations and immigration cases.
4) Much of the information on other individuals identified in the report is accurate and easily verifiable.
5) It is evident that a significant amount of time and energy went into compiling this report, and that it did not come from a single source at a cocktail party as these reports often do.
Official Response
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – Spanish (English translation below)
«La Presidencia de la República ha tenido conocimiento en el día de hoy sobre información en poder de algunos medios de comunicación, relativa a un documento de la Defense Inteligente Agency de los Estados Unidos, elaborado en septiembre de 1991. Dicho documento fue revelado en virtud de un derecho de petición en ese país.
«El documento sugiere que Álvaro Uribe Vélez tenía en ese entonces relaciones con el narcotráfico y el Cartel de Medellín, que su padre fue asesinado por sus relaciones con los narcotraficantes, que era amigo personal de Pablo Escobar y participó en la campaña que llevó a este a la Cámara de Representantes como segundo renglón de Jairo Ortega, y que, como Senador, Uribe se opuso al tratado de extradición.
El documento señala que se trata de información que no fue evaluada (“Not finally evaluated”).
Frente a lo anterior, la Presidencia de la República informa lo siguiente:
1) Esta información es la misma que, en su momento, hizo parte de los ataques de que fue objeto el Presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez como candidato durante su campaña presidencial.
2) En 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, entonces Senador, estuvo en los Estados Unidos en un programa académico de la Universidad de Harvard, mientras sesionaba la Asamblea Constituyente, periodo durante el cual tuvo lugar la revocatoria del Congreso.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez no ha tenido negocios de ningún tipo en el extranjero. Como lo explicó durante su campaña a los medios de comunicación, cuando se debatieron los mismos temas, sólo tuvo dos cuentas bancarias en el exterior: una en un banco de Bostón, adjunto a la Universidad de Harvard y otra en Oxford, Inglaterra, mientras estuvo en esa universidad en 1998. No tiene un solo bien en el extranjero.
4) Alberto Uribe Sierra, padre del Presidente, fue asesinado por el 5º frente de las FARC el 14 de junio de 1983 al resistir un intento de secuestro. Uribe Sierra enfrentó a sus secuestradores; en el enfrentamiento resultó herido su hijo Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez fue elegido Senador en tres oportunidades: en 1986, 1990 y 1991 como miembro del movimiento “Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático“. (Jairo Ortega, de quien Escobar fue segundo renglón, fue elegido a la Cámara de Representantes por un movimiento diferente en 1982).
6) En los anales del Congreso de 1989, consta la posición del senador Uribe Vélez sobre la extradición. La única que el Senador tuvo sobre el tema durante su desempeño como Senador.
Posición que fue reiterada en el año 2002 por el entonces candidato presidencial en entrevistas para los periódicos El Tiempo y El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Después, en la segunda ronda, infortunadamente, la Cámara de Representantes incluyó ese mico para que se llevara un referéndum preguntándoles a los colombianos si rechazaban o no la extradición en lo que deberían ser las elecciones parlamentarias de marzo de 1990″. (…) “yo me levante y dije que era altamente inconveniente que ese referéndum coincidiera con las elecciones parlamentarias porque entonces se corría el riesgo de que el narcotráfico presionara esas elecciones. Dije que una alternativa debería ser que, si se iba a llevar adelante el referendo se llevará adelante después de las elecciones parlamentarias y después de la elección presidencial, para que no hubiera lugar a presiones». (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo de 2003).
7) Durante su Gobierno, Álvaro Uribe ha autorizado la extradición de más de 170 personas solicitadas por diferentes países para ser juzgadas por narcotráfico y otros delitos, incluido el lavado de activos.
8) Como Presidente se opone a la modificación del mecanismo de extradición vigente.
Bogotá, julio 30 de 2004
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – English [Unofficial English translation by Michael Evans]
«Today, the President of the Republic has learned about information in possession of the news media relating to a document from the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States from September 1991. The document was released by virtue of a right to petition in that country.
«The document suggests that Álvaro Uribe Vélez then had relations with narcotrafficking and the Medellín Cartel, that his father was assassinated for his relations to the narcotraffickers, that he was a personal friend of Pablo Escobar and participated in his campaign to become assistant parliamentarian to Jairo Ortega, and that, as Senator, Uribe opposed the extradition treaty.
The document indicates that the information it contains is «not finally evaluated.»
In the face of this information, the President of the Republic states the following:
1) This information is the same that, at the time, was part of the attacks that President Álvaro Uribe Vélez was subjected to as a candidate during his presidential campaign.
2) In 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, then Senator, was in the United States in an academic program at Harvard University, while the Constitutional Assembly was in session, during which period the Congress was suspended.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez has not had business of any kind outside of Colombia. As he explained to the news media during his campaign, when these same issues were raised, he had only two foreign bank accounts: one in a bank in Boston, attached to Harvard University and the other in Oxford, England, while he was at that university in 1998. He does not have even one foreign asset.
4) Álvaro Uribe Sierra, father of the President, was assassinated by the 5th Front of the FARC on 14 June 1983 while resisting a kidnapping attempt. Uribe Sierra confronted his kidnappers; the confrontation resulted in the wounding of his son Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez was elected Senator three times: in 1986, 1990 and 1991 as member of the «Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático» movement. (Jairo Ortega, to whom Escobar was assistant parliamentarian, was elected to the Parliament by a different movement in 1982).
6) In the congressional archives from 1989, Senator Uribe’s position on extradition is clear. The only position that the Senator ever took on this issue during his tenure as Senator. A position that was reiterated in 2002 by the then-presidential candidate in interviews with the newspapers El Tiempo and El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Later, in the second term, unfortunately, the House of Representatives included this rider to advance a referendum asking Colombians to accept or reject extradition when it should have been the parliamentary elections of 1990». (…) «I got up and said that it was highly inconvenient that this referendum coincided with the parliamentary elections because then they were running the risk that narcotraffickers would affect these elections. I said that an alternative should be that, if they are going to raise the referendum, to raise it after the parliamentary elections and after the presidential election, so that they could not bring these pressures to bear. (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo 2003).
7) During his Government, Álvaro Uribe has authorized the extradition of more than 170 individuals solicited by various contries to be tried for narcotrafficking and other crimes, including money laundering.
8) As President he opposes the modification of the mechanism of extradition now in force.
Bogotá, 30 July 2004
Then-Senator «Dedicated to Collaboration with the Medellín Cartel at High Government Levels»
Confidential DIA Report Had Uribe Alongside Pablo Escobar, Narco-Assassins
Uribe «Worked for the Medellín Cartel» and was a «Close Personal Friend of Pablo Escobar»
Washington, D.C., 1 August 2004 – Then-Senator and now President Álvaro Uribe Vélez of Colombia was a «close personal friend of Pablo Escobar» who was «dedicated to collaboration with the Medellín [drug] cartel at high government levels,» according to a 1991 intelligence report from U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials in Colombia. The document was posted today on the website of the National Security Archive, a non-governmental research group based at George Washington University.
Uribe’s inclusion on the list raises new questions about allegations that surfaced during Colombia’s 2002 presidential campaign. Candidate Uribe bristled and abruptly terminated an interview in March 2002 when asked by Newsweek reporter Joseph Contreras about his alleged ties to Escobar and his associations with others involved in the drug trade. Uribe accused Contreras of trying to smear his reputation, saying that, «as a politician, I have been honorable and accountable.»
The newly-declassified report, dated 23 September 1991, is a numbered list of «the more important Colombian narco-traffickers contracted by the Colombian narcotic cartels for security, transportation, distribution, collection and enforcement of narcotics operations.» The document was released by DIA in May 2004 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the Archive in August 2000.
The source of the report was removed by DIA censors, but the detailed, investigative nature of the report — the list corresponds with a numbered set of photographs that were apparently provided with the original — suggests it was probably obtained from Colombian or U.S. counternarcotics personnel. The document notes that some of the information in the report was verified «via interfaces with other agencies.»
President Uribe — now a key U.S. partner in the drug war — «was linked to a business involved in narcotics activities in the United States» and «has worked for the Medellín cartel,» the narcotics trafficking organization led by Escobar until he was killed by Colombian government forces in 1993. The report adds that Uribe participated in Escobar’s parliamentary campaign and that as senator he had «attacked all forms of the extradition treaty» with the U.S.
«Because both the source of the report and the reporting officer’s comments section were not declassified, we cannot be sure how the DIA judged the accuracy of this information,» said Michael Evans, director of the Archive’s Colombia Documentation Project, «but we do know that intelligence officials believed the document was serious and important enough to pass on to analysts in Washington.»
In a statement issued on July 30, the Colombian government took exception to several items reported in the document, saying that Uribe has never had any foreign business dealings, that his father was killed while fleeing a kidnap attempt by FARC guerrillas, and that he had not opposed the extradition treaty, but merely hoped to postpone a referendum to prevent the possibility that narcotraffickers would influence the vote.
The communiqué, however, did not deny the most significant allegation reported in the document: that Uribe had a close personal relationship with Pablo Escobar and business dealings with the Medellín Cartel.
The document is marked «CONFIDENTIAL NOFORN WNINTEL,» indicating that its disclosure could reasonably be expected to damage national security, that its content was based on intelligence sources and methods, and that it should not be shared with foreign nationals.
Uribe, the 82nd name on the list, appears on the same page as Escobar and Fidel Castaño, who went on to form the country’s major paramilitary army, a State Department-designated terrorist group now engaged in peace negotiations with the Uribe government. Written in March 1991 while Escobar was still a fugitive, the report was forwarded to Washington several months after his surrender to Colombian authorities in June 1991.
Most of those on the list are well-known drug traffickers or assassins associated with the Medellín cartel. Others listed include ex-president of Panama Manuel Noriega, Iran-contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, and Carlos Vives, a Colombian entertainer said to be connected to the narcotics business through his uncle.
Click here to read the document
23 September 1991 (Date of Information 18 March 1991)
Narcotics – Colombian Narco-trafficker Profiles
Defense Intelligence Agency, Intelligence Information Report, Confidential, 14 pp.
Source: Declassification Release Under the Freedom of Information Act, May 2004
Is the Document Accurate?
As stated in the document, the report is «not finally evaluated» intelligence information. In other words, the information reported in the document is only as good as its source. In this case, the DIA has withheld from release the source of the information as well as the comments of the reporting official from the Department of Defense, making it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information listed in the document. However, the document differs from the average field report in several ways:
1) The summary indicates that information in the report was cross-checked «via interfaces with other agencies,» indicating that some evaluation had already taken place.
2) The summary offers no caveats or qualifications on the credibility of the information and is stated as fact. It thus seems likely that the originator of the report (the «source») believed the information to be true.
3) The report includes many details like identification card numbers and dates of birth, giving it the appearance of an official, investigative document. The fact that the numbered list corresponds to photographs that were provided with the original suggests that the report had a variety of uses, including criminal investigations and immigration cases.
4) Much of the information on other individuals identified in the report is accurate and easily verifiable.
5) It is evident that a significant amount of time and energy went into compiling this report, and that it did not come from a single source at a cocktail party as these reports often do.
Official Response
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – Spanish (English translation below)
«La Presidencia de la República ha tenido conocimiento en el día de hoy sobre información en poder de algunos medios de comunicación, relativa a un documento de la Defense Inteligente Agency de los Estados Unidos, elaborado en septiembre de 1991. Dicho documento fue revelado en virtud de un derecho de petición en ese país.
«El documento sugiere que Álvaro Uribe Vélez tenía en ese entonces relaciones con el narcotráfico y el Cartel de Medellín, que su padre fue asesinado por sus relaciones con los narcotraficantes, que era amigo personal de Pablo Escobar y participó en la campaña que llevó a este a la Cámara de Representantes como segundo renglón de Jairo Ortega, y que, como Senador, Uribe se opuso al tratado de extradición.
El documento señala que se trata de información que no fue evaluada (“Not finally evaluated”).
Frente a lo anterior, la Presidencia de la República informa lo siguiente:
1) Esta información es la misma que, en su momento, hizo parte de los ataques de que fue objeto el Presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez como candidato durante su campaña presidencial.
2) En 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, entonces Senador, estuvo en los Estados Unidos en un programa académico de la Universidad de Harvard, mientras sesionaba la Asamblea Constituyente, periodo durante el cual tuvo lugar la revocatoria del Congreso.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez no ha tenido negocios de ningún tipo en el extranjero. Como lo explicó durante su campaña a los medios de comunicación, cuando se debatieron los mismos temas, sólo tuvo dos cuentas bancarias en el exterior: una en un banco de Bostón, adjunto a la Universidad de Harvard y otra en Oxford, Inglaterra, mientras estuvo en esa universidad en 1998. No tiene un solo bien en el extranjero.
4) Alberto Uribe Sierra, padre del Presidente, fue asesinado por el 5º frente de las FARC el 14 de junio de 1983 al resistir un intento de secuestro. Uribe Sierra enfrentó a sus secuestradores; en el enfrentamiento resultó herido su hijo Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez fue elegido Senador en tres oportunidades: en 1986, 1990 y 1991 como miembro del movimiento “Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático“. (Jairo Ortega, de quien Escobar fue segundo renglón, fue elegido a la Cámara de Representantes por un movimiento diferente en 1982).
6) En los anales del Congreso de 1989, consta la posición del senador Uribe Vélez sobre la extradición. La única que el Senador tuvo sobre el tema durante su desempeño como Senador.
Posición que fue reiterada en el año 2002 por el entonces candidato presidencial en entrevistas para los periódicos El Tiempo y El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Después, en la segunda ronda, infortunadamente, la Cámara de Representantes incluyó ese mico para que se llevara un referéndum preguntándoles a los colombianos si rechazaban o no la extradición en lo que deberían ser las elecciones parlamentarias de marzo de 1990″. (…) “yo me levante y dije que era altamente inconveniente que ese referéndum coincidiera con las elecciones parlamentarias porque entonces se corría el riesgo de que el narcotráfico presionara esas elecciones. Dije que una alternativa debería ser que, si se iba a llevar adelante el referendo se llevará adelante después de las elecciones parlamentarias y después de la elección presidencial, para que no hubiera lugar a presiones». (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo de 2003).
7) Durante su Gobierno, Álvaro Uribe ha autorizado la extradición de más de 170 personas solicitadas por diferentes países para ser juzgadas por narcotráfico y otros delitos, incluido el lavado de activos.
8) Como Presidente se opone a la modificación del mecanismo de extradición vigente.
Bogotá, julio 30 de 2004
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – English [Unofficial English translation by Michael Evans]
«Today, the President of the Republic has learned about information in possession of the news media relating to a document from the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States from September 1991. The document was released by virtue of a right to petition in that country.
«The document suggests that Álvaro Uribe Vélez then had relations with narcotrafficking and the Medellín Cartel, that his father was assassinated for his relations to the narcotraffickers, that he was a personal friend of Pablo Escobar and participated in his campaign to become assistant parliamentarian to Jairo Ortega, and that, as Senator, Uribe opposed the extradition treaty.
The document indicates that the information it contains is «not finally evaluated.»
In the face of this information, the President of the Republic states the following:
1) This information is the same that, at the time, was part of the attacks that President Álvaro Uribe Vélez was subjected to as a candidate during his presidential campaign.
2) In 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, then Senator, was in the United States in an academic program at Harvard University, while the Constitutional Assembly was in session, during which period the Congress was suspended.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez has not had business of any kind outside of Colombia. As he explained to the news media during his campaign, when these same issues were raised, he had only two foreign bank accounts: one in a bank in Boston, attached to Harvard University and the other in Oxford, England, while he was at that university in 1998. He does not have even one foreign asset.
4) Álvaro Uribe Sierra, father of the President, was assassinated by the 5th Front of the FARC on 14 June 1983 while resisting a kidnapping attempt. Uribe Sierra confronted his kidnappers; the confrontation resulted in the wounding of his son Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez was elected Senator three times: in 1986, 1990 and 1991 as member of the «Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático» movement. (Jairo Ortega, to whom Escobar was assistant parliamentarian, was elected to the Parliament by a different movement in 1982).
6) In the congressional archives from 1989, Senator Uribe’s position on extradition is clear. The only position that the Senator ever took on this issue during his tenure as Senator. A position that was reiterated in 2002 by the then-presidential candidate in interviews with the newspapers El Tiempo and El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Later, in the second term, unfortunately, the House of Representatives included this rider to advance a referendum asking Colombians to accept or reject extradition when it should have been the parliamentary elections of 1990». (…) «I got up and said that it was highly inconvenient that this referendum coincided with the parliamentary elections because then they were running the risk that narcotraffickers would affect these elections. I said that an alternative should be that, if they are going to raise the referendum, to raise it after the parliamentary elections and after the presidential election, so that they could not bring these pressures to bear. (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo 2003).
7) During his Government, Álvaro Uribe has authorized the extradition of more than 170 individuals solicited by various contries to be tried for narcotrafficking and other crimes, including money laundering.
8) As President he opposes the modification of the mechanism of extradition now in force.
Bogotá, 30 July 2004
Then-Senator «Dedicated to Collaboration with the Medellín Cartel at High Government Levels»
Confidential DIA Report Had Uribe Alongside Pablo Escobar, Narco-Assassins
Uribe «Worked for the Medellín Cartel» and was a «Close Personal Friend of Pablo Escobar»
Washington, D.C., 1 August 2004 – Then-Senator and now President Álvaro Uribe Vélez of Colombia was a «close personal friend of Pablo Escobar» who was «dedicated to collaboration with the Medellín [drug] cartel at high government levels,» according to a 1991 intelligence report from U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials in Colombia. The document was posted today on the website of the National Security Archive, a non-governmental research group based at George Washington University.
Uribe’s inclusion on the list raises new questions about allegations that surfaced during Colombia’s 2002 presidential campaign. Candidate Uribe bristled and abruptly terminated an interview in March 2002 when asked by Newsweek reporter Joseph Contreras about his alleged ties to Escobar and his associations with others involved in the drug trade. Uribe accused Contreras of trying to smear his reputation, saying that, «as a politician, I have been honorable and accountable.»
The newly-declassified report, dated 23 September 1991, is a numbered list of «the more important Colombian narco-traffickers contracted by the Colombian narcotic cartels for security, transportation, distribution, collection and enforcement of narcotics operations.» The document was released by DIA in May 2004 in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the Archive in August 2000.
The source of the report was removed by DIA censors, but the detailed, investigative nature of the report — the list corresponds with a numbered set of photographs that were apparently provided with the original — suggests it was probably obtained from Colombian or U.S. counternarcotics personnel. The document notes that some of the information in the report was verified «via interfaces with other agencies.»
President Uribe — now a key U.S. partner in the drug war — «was linked to a business involved in narcotics activities in the United States» and «has worked for the Medellín cartel,» the narcotics trafficking organization led by Escobar until he was killed by Colombian government forces in 1993. The report adds that Uribe participated in Escobar’s parliamentary campaign and that as senator he had «attacked all forms of the extradition treaty» with the U.S.
«Because both the source of the report and the reporting officer’s comments section were not declassified, we cannot be sure how the DIA judged the accuracy of this information,» said Michael Evans, director of the Archive’s Colombia Documentation Project, «but we do know that intelligence officials believed the document was serious and important enough to pass on to analysts in Washington.»
In a statement issued on July 30, the Colombian government took exception to several items reported in the document, saying that Uribe has never had any foreign business dealings, that his father was killed while fleeing a kidnap attempt by FARC guerrillas, and that he had not opposed the extradition treaty, but merely hoped to postpone a referendum to prevent the possibility that narcotraffickers would influence the vote.
The communiqué, however, did not deny the most significant allegation reported in the document: that Uribe had a close personal relationship with Pablo Escobar and business dealings with the Medellín Cartel.
The document is marked «CONFIDENTIAL NOFORN WNINTEL,» indicating that its disclosure could reasonably be expected to damage national security, that its content was based on intelligence sources and methods, and that it should not be shared with foreign nationals.
Uribe, the 82nd name on the list, appears on the same page as Escobar and Fidel Castaño, who went on to form the country’s major paramilitary army, a State Department-designated terrorist group now engaged in peace negotiations with the Uribe government. Written in March 1991 while Escobar was still a fugitive, the report was forwarded to Washington several months after his surrender to Colombian authorities in June 1991.
Most of those on the list are well-known drug traffickers or assassins associated with the Medellín cartel. Others listed include ex-president of Panama Manuel Noriega, Iran-contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, and Carlos Vives, a Colombian entertainer said to be connected to the narcotics business through his uncle.
Click here to read the document
23 September 1991 (Date of Information 18 March 1991)
Narcotics – Colombian Narco-trafficker Profiles
Defense Intelligence Agency, Intelligence Information Report, Confidential, 14 pp.
Source: Declassification Release Under the Freedom of Information Act, May 2004
Is the Document Accurate?
As stated in the document, the report is «not finally evaluated» intelligence information. In other words, the information reported in the document is only as good as its source. In this case, the DIA has withheld from release the source of the information as well as the comments of the reporting official from the Department of Defense, making it difficult to verify the accuracy of the information listed in the document. However, the document differs from the average field report in several ways:
1) The summary indicates that information in the report was cross-checked «via interfaces with other agencies,» indicating that some evaluation had already taken place.
2) The summary offers no caveats or qualifications on the credibility of the information and is stated as fact. It thus seems likely that the originator of the report (the «source») believed the information to be true.
3) The report includes many details like identification card numbers and dates of birth, giving it the appearance of an official, investigative document. The fact that the numbered list corresponds to photographs that were provided with the original suggests that the report had a variety of uses, including criminal investigations and immigration cases.
4) Much of the information on other individuals identified in the report is accurate and easily verifiable.
5) It is evident that a significant amount of time and energy went into compiling this report, and that it did not come from a single source at a cocktail party as these reports often do.
Official Response
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – Spanish (English translation below)
«La Presidencia de la República ha tenido conocimiento en el día de hoy sobre información en poder de algunos medios de comunicación, relativa a un documento de la Defense Inteligente Agency de los Estados Unidos, elaborado en septiembre de 1991. Dicho documento fue revelado en virtud de un derecho de petición en ese país.
«El documento sugiere que Álvaro Uribe Vélez tenía en ese entonces relaciones con el narcotráfico y el Cartel de Medellín, que su padre fue asesinado por sus relaciones con los narcotraficantes, que era amigo personal de Pablo Escobar y participó en la campaña que llevó a este a la Cámara de Representantes como segundo renglón de Jairo Ortega, y que, como Senador, Uribe se opuso al tratado de extradición.
El documento señala que se trata de información que no fue evaluada (“Not finally evaluated”).
Frente a lo anterior, la Presidencia de la República informa lo siguiente:
1) Esta información es la misma que, en su momento, hizo parte de los ataques de que fue objeto el Presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez como candidato durante su campaña presidencial.
2) En 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, entonces Senador, estuvo en los Estados Unidos en un programa académico de la Universidad de Harvard, mientras sesionaba la Asamblea Constituyente, periodo durante el cual tuvo lugar la revocatoria del Congreso.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez no ha tenido negocios de ningún tipo en el extranjero. Como lo explicó durante su campaña a los medios de comunicación, cuando se debatieron los mismos temas, sólo tuvo dos cuentas bancarias en el exterior: una en un banco de Bostón, adjunto a la Universidad de Harvard y otra en Oxford, Inglaterra, mientras estuvo en esa universidad en 1998. No tiene un solo bien en el extranjero.
4) Alberto Uribe Sierra, padre del Presidente, fue asesinado por el 5º frente de las FARC el 14 de junio de 1983 al resistir un intento de secuestro. Uribe Sierra enfrentó a sus secuestradores; en el enfrentamiento resultó herido su hijo Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez fue elegido Senador en tres oportunidades: en 1986, 1990 y 1991 como miembro del movimiento “Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático“. (Jairo Ortega, de quien Escobar fue segundo renglón, fue elegido a la Cámara de Representantes por un movimiento diferente en 1982).
6) En los anales del Congreso de 1989, consta la posición del senador Uribe Vélez sobre la extradición. La única que el Senador tuvo sobre el tema durante su desempeño como Senador.
Posición que fue reiterada en el año 2002 por el entonces candidato presidencial en entrevistas para los periódicos El Tiempo y El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Después, en la segunda ronda, infortunadamente, la Cámara de Representantes incluyó ese mico para que se llevara un referéndum preguntándoles a los colombianos si rechazaban o no la extradición en lo que deberían ser las elecciones parlamentarias de marzo de 1990″. (…) “yo me levante y dije que era altamente inconveniente que ese referéndum coincidiera con las elecciones parlamentarias porque entonces se corría el riesgo de que el narcotráfico presionara esas elecciones. Dije que una alternativa debería ser que, si se iba a llevar adelante el referendo se llevará adelante después de las elecciones parlamentarias y después de la elección presidencial, para que no hubiera lugar a presiones». (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo de 2003).
7) Durante su Gobierno, Álvaro Uribe ha autorizado la extradición de más de 170 personas solicitadas por diferentes países para ser juzgadas por narcotráfico y otros delitos, incluido el lavado de activos.
8) Como Presidente se opone a la modificación del mecanismo de extradición vigente.
Bogotá, julio 30 de 2004
Full text of communiqué from the Colombian government (Casa de Nariño) – English [Unofficial English translation by Michael Evans]
«Today, the President of the Republic has learned about information in possession of the news media relating to a document from the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States from September 1991. The document was released by virtue of a right to petition in that country.
«The document suggests that Álvaro Uribe Vélez then had relations with narcotrafficking and the Medellín Cartel, that his father was assassinated for his relations to the narcotraffickers, that he was a personal friend of Pablo Escobar and participated in his campaign to become assistant parliamentarian to Jairo Ortega, and that, as Senator, Uribe opposed the extradition treaty.
The document indicates that the information it contains is «not finally evaluated.»
In the face of this information, the President of the Republic states the following:
1) This information is the same that, at the time, was part of the attacks that President Álvaro Uribe Vélez was subjected to as a candidate during his presidential campaign.
2) In 1991, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, then Senator, was in the United States in an academic program at Harvard University, while the Constitutional Assembly was in session, during which period the Congress was suspended.
3) Álvaro Uribe Vélez has not had business of any kind outside of Colombia. As he explained to the news media during his campaign, when these same issues were raised, he had only two foreign bank accounts: one in a bank in Boston, attached to Harvard University and the other in Oxford, England, while he was at that university in 1998. He does not have even one foreign asset.
4) Álvaro Uribe Sierra, father of the President, was assassinated by the 5th Front of the FARC on 14 June 1983 while resisting a kidnapping attempt. Uribe Sierra confronted his kidnappers; the confrontation resulted in the wounding of his son Santiago.
5) Álvaro Uribe Vélez was elected Senator three times: in 1986, 1990 and 1991 as member of the «Directorio Liberal de Antioquia – Sector Democrático» movement. (Jairo Ortega, to whom Escobar was assistant parliamentarian, was elected to the Parliament by a different movement in 1982).
6) In the congressional archives from 1989, Senator Uribe’s position on extradition is clear. The only position that the Senator ever took on this issue during his tenure as Senator. A position that was reiterated in 2002 by the then-presidential candidate in interviews with the newspapers El Tiempo and El Espectador de Bogotá y la Cadena Radial Caracol:
«Later, in the second term, unfortunately, the House of Representatives included this rider to advance a referendum asking Colombians to accept or reject extradition when it should have been the parliamentary elections of 1990». (…) «I got up and said that it was highly inconvenient that this referendum coincided with the parliamentary elections because then they were running the risk that narcotraffickers would affect these elections. I said that an alternative should be that, if they are going to raise the referendum, to raise it after the parliamentary elections and after the presidential election, so that they could not bring these pressures to bear. (El Tiempo, 23 de marzo 2003).
7) During his Government, Álvaro Uribe has authorized the extradition of more than 170 individuals solicited by various contries to be tried for narcotrafficking and other crimes, including money laundering.
8) As President he opposes the modification of the mechanism of extradition now in force.
Bogotá, 30 July 2004
Hugo Chavez = El gorilón del vecindario
Los Latinoamericanos siempre hemos tenido la excusa de Estados Unidos y su Influencia «Maligna» en Latinoamérica para justificar muchos de nuestros problemas…….Adramca, deberías leer la invasión a México, la perdida del canal de panamá, la dictadura de pinochet, viejo te falta mucha historia……Sus piedras en el zapato son los regímenes opuestos, respetuosos de la comunidad internacional,…..siendo abogado del diablo, hasta ahora Chávez no ha bombardeado a un país vecino, no ha secuestrado a un terrorista en otro país, Y noni ha mandado a 300 paramilitares para derrocar un régimen…….son naciones mejor situadas en lo económico y lo político. Ellos son Colombia, México, Panamá, Chile, Perú y últimamente Brasil,…..de todas las que nombro sólo Chile y Brasil son mas estables, la economía y la política de Colombia están por debajo de la de Venezuela. La Venezuela de Chávez, con todo su petróleo, está en condiciones inferiores en casi todas las mediciones, que los de sus antagonistas…….Pues alguna vez también lo estuvieron la india de Ghandi, la China de Mao, el Irán del Ayatola , hoy todas naciones respetadas a pesar de todo.
Todo lo de Chavez es malo: Hasta le subvenciona a americanos pobres la gasolina: es malo ?
Le da gasolina mas barata a la frontera colombo-venezolana en la Guajira a fin de evitar a los pimpinelos: Es malo ?
Es malo que Venezuela tenga a paises del ALBA(latinoamericanos) con petroleo a bajos Precios ?
Cuando le dieron el microgolpe a Chavez el primero que saltó fué el exministro JMSantos y el embajador de USA , eso es malo ??
Venezuela es nuestro segundo socio comercial después de USA a pesar de casi 10 años en el poder de Chavez y Uribe:es eso muy malo??
Colombia tiene relaciones con Rusia,Irán,China,USA, Venezuela las tiene tambien: es malo eso ??
Colombia es de derechas, Venezuela es de izquierda lo que ahora le dicen populismo: Es malo eso ??
Malo es lo que no nos gusta ?? Eso es malo o no ??
Entonces en que estamos: TODO LO DE CHAVEZ ES MALO y punto (verdad verdadera)
Chávez con todo el armamento comprado en los dos últimos años, no es para tenerlo de adorno y guardado, su egolatría, nepotismo, MEDIOCRE, lo hace ser una persona peligrosa para Venezuela, los vecinos y para la comunidad internacional en general, por que maneja una gran cantidad de petrodólares en beneficio propio y de sus amigos, de cuba, ecuador, Zelaya, Bolivia, las farc a las cuales les estaba montado negocio propio con el petróleo, como lo tiene con cuba que se volvió exportador con más de 800 millones de dólares en ventas y el pueblo venezolano ya le están racionando la comida como en cuba.
Es comun que cuando una persona repite mucho una imagen termina asimilandola e identificandose con ella,por negativa que sea su propia descripcion.Es esta realmente la circunstancia vital de Chavez,ha repetido tanto su percepcion negativa del imperio que termino identificandose con el peor de los emperadores.Y esto le satisface.Se presenta entonces como el reyezuelo frustrado de su quimerico imperio..!Dios salve los paises libres de la utopicamente denominada America Latina.Afirmamos esto ultimo porque la tan mentada unidad latinoamericana nunca se ha dado y posiblemente ya no se de.
wow GERALDv, que respuesta! al mejor estilo del ingsoc y el ministerio de la verdad… ojo con llegar a doblepensar
No lo sabría usted GERALDv, pero desde la primaria aprendimos que Venezuela es miembro fundador de la OPEP(hacia 1960), época en la cual el señor Chavez estaba llenando el formulario de inscripción al cuartel, así que su condición de exportador de petroleo no se la debemos precisamente a el.
Estos venecos son bien estupidos, por esa falta de cerebro es que se dejan comprar con un plato de sopa, y si siguen asi van a dirigirse hacia una masacre total como las que ocurrieron en africa.
Señor GERALDv, desde que yo estaba en primaria y veia geografia universal nos explicaban en clase los principales recursos de cada nacion latinoameriacana y eso fue como en los años 80, y creo que todos mis compañerios teniamos claro que colombia exportaba cafe y venezuela petroleo…no se…talvez esá clase usted le dió gripe o pereza y no asistió o no paraba bolas en clase.
Creo que usted no entendió el interesante articulo, se habla de trascender en diversas dimensiones y venezuela ha trascendido en la mas debil segun el autor y que hay otros paises latinos como mexico, brasil, chile cuya trascendencia va mas alla de un discurso populista basado en dinero del petroleo.
No es mas.
Sr. parece que Ud. no esta muy bien informado, Venezuela si ha trascendido a nivel mundial ha sido desde la llegada de Chavez, antes ni siquiera sabiamos que tenia petroleo. Crisis la habido siempre, al igual que Colombia, o me va a decir Ud. que los millones de colombianos exiliados son todos por el horror de la politica y la crisis humanitaria?.
No hay medio de comunicacion que tape el sol con un dedo, lo que pasa es que la crisis humanitaria colombiana no importa, importa entrometerse en asuntos internos de otros estados. Gracias…