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Wrong Way Corrigan

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@radiobrendan There are lots of things we could all complain about, and on various occasions this blog has touched on many of them. For sure it can be good to vent every now and again, but you have to find the balance between highlighting malpractices and letting them personally(...)

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@radiobrendan It took a while, but William Butler Yeats you’re going to have to eat your penned words now (or whatever you’ll do with them from beyond your grave). Romantic Ireland isn’t dead, as you infamously wrote in your poem September 1913. It has just been(...)

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@radiobrendan This blog tends not to do blatant advertising, but there are exceptions to that from time to time. And when it’s for a fun and, um, worthy cause, you could say that it’s almost obligatory to do so. You see, a few months back I had to make a ‘dash’ home to(...)

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@radiobrendan You have to admire, in some ways, Colombian patriotism. Among each other they may bad-mouth their country and criticise its many ills, but when it comes to outside ‘attacks’ they seem pretty good at closing ranks and rallying behind Colombia’s(...)

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@radiobrendan There’s an old but still very relevant joke that does the rounds in Colombia. It goes something like this: A prominent Colombian politician is invited to a major Canadian (insert any ‘First World’ country there) city by its mayor. On arrival, the visiting(...)

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@radiobrendan A friend asked me the other day, ‘What makes you angry the most?’ I chewed on it for a while and spat out a few things. There was, though, a common thread to them all: People not being honest. For I believe that I am, largely speaking, an honest person(...)

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