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Renowned Colombian journalist, Daniel Coronell, has revealed how he once dated the sister of current Colombian president, Iván Duque.

Renowned Colombian journalist Daniel Coronell gives a wide-ranging interview in English.

Bad romance: Coronell reveals he dated Iván Duque’s sister.

Coronell, a regular critic of Duque as well as his party Centro Democrático and, more controversially, that party’s leader, former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, made the revelation in an English-language interview on Wrong Way’s Colombia Cast podcast.

Divine intervention
‘Many years ago, like 30 years ago, I was the boyfriend of Duque’s sister. I loved her a lot’, he said.

They even discussed plans to marry. ‘I cannot imagine my life (today) if I was the brother-in-law of this president of Colombia.’

Miami-based Coronell, an atheist, joked that it was a higher power that put an end to their romance. ‘There was a kind of superior decision — and I am an atheist — that broke (up) the relationship on time.’

“‘I loved her a lot.'”

Asked whether he still remains in contact with President Duque’s sister, his response was a blunt ‘no’.

He also spoke about his April 2020 departure from his columnist role with Colombia’s leading current affairs magazine, Semana, a gig he had held for 15 years. His leaving coincided with sweeping changes at the publication, with well-known broadcast journalist Vicky Dávila eventually taking over as director, a move seen by some as a shift to a more populist, sensationalist editorial style.

Quoting the Italian film director, Federico Fellini, Coronell said, ‘Yo nunca había visto nada igual (which translates as ‘I’d never seen anything like it’), that’s my opinion of Semana.’

As for writing for the magazine again, his simple reply to that question was ‘probably not’.

In relation to the 2022 Colombian presidential election, the current president of news at the US-based Univisión TV channel expressed his concerns that the election would, as in 2018, become a left versus right shoot-out.

While he suggested he would be against whoever is selected by the Centro Democrático side on the right — the ‘Uribe puppet’ as he calls it — Coronell also has concerns about the leftist former candidate Gustavo Petro who is set to run again.

Nonetheless, if it came down to a choice between Tomás Uribe, Álvaro Uribe’s son who is being mooted as a runner, and Gustavo Petro, Coronell said he would vote for the latter.

However, he predicted that the Centro Democrático may opt for a more traditional conservative candidate such as Luis Alberto Moreno.

Whatever the case, he said he hopes that a solid centrist candidate can emerge in the coming months.

Watch the YouTube interview in full at https://youtu.be/ZsWTBwGXRXY or listen to an audio-only podcast version at https://anchor.fm/brendan-corrigan/episodes/Daniel-Coronell-on-dating-Duques-sister–unmasking-Uribe–Petros-problems–Vicky-Dvilas-Semana-eq798l.
Listen to Wrong Way’s Colombia Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz “The Bogotá Pub Quiz”.

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La vida en Colombia desde la perspectiva de un periodista y locutor irlandés, quien ha vivido en el país desde 2011. El blog explora temas sociales y culturales, interacción con los nativos, viajes, actualidades y mucho más. Escucha su podcast acá: https://anchor.fm/brendan-corrigan.

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  1. emilioramirez0726

    Recently, Coronel did talk about, how a journalist should work for the people, and not for the news media that employs him, in other words, should be imparcial. Acording to this article, it can be seen that the guy has his own preferences, and everything that smell as Centro Democratico is rotten for him, that makes it a one sided person, and not, a mind open independent journalist as he considerer himself.

  2. Coronell, un analfabeta que quiere posar de intelectual. Un resentido social, mentiroso, picaro, ladron, tramposo, malechor, contratista, vendido al mejor postor. Un mal llamado periodista, una verguenza para ese gremio de los que pocos se salvan. Menos mal Semana saco a ese petardo para traer una verdadera periodista, una mujer capas, inteligente. A buena hora.

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