@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] In an email newsletter earlier this year from the conservative Colombian journalist, Ricardo Galán, in customary reproachful fashion, he berated Bogotá’s cyclists for daring to use roads, as he put it,...
@wwaycorrigan The Wrong Way Corrigan Brains Trust has been otherwise engaged over the last couple of weeks. The chief reason was due to our planning of the latest IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Bogotá’s top trivia night! The actual live event, our 55th edition, took place at Bogotá’s snug Cervecería Gigante on Plaza de Lourdes […]
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Sitting unhidden in one of my barrio tiendas sipping on a litre of Poker beer, it dawned on me that less than a year ago such behaviour was officially prohibited and had been for the guts of 12 months. I’m...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] While I don’t think I’m at the same obsessive-compulsive level as Melvin Udall, Jack Nicholson’s misanthropic character in the 1997 film As Good as It Gets, I can get rather annoyed if certain...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] A glance at most reports into the levels of crime and violence in Colombia shows that the country has gradually been getting safer since the turn of the millennium. The headline-grabbing one — and the easiest...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Strange as this may seem considering my current less-than-robust financial situation and lack of a steady income, but I have become the chief moneylender for one barrio friend over the last number of years. It...
@wwaycorrigan With the not-quite-post-pandemic «new normal» taking shape, IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Colombia’s favourite (pending independent verification) trivia night made a long-awaited live return. Cervecería Gigante, an old acquaintance but now with a shiny...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Be it for good or for bad, nothing lasts forever. So I shouldn’t be too surprised that this day has come. In fact, in my soberer, self-critical moments I’ve realised that it could be a positive...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] On last week’s Bogotá Nights, we discussed insecurity in Colombia’s capital city and the country in general. One regular viewer, an Englishman who has been based in this country for nine years, told...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] At the zenith of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger period in the early noughties, a time when most of the populace had, quite literally, more money than sense, there was a public house in my local town that nicely...