@radiobrendan It’s a new year (are we still allowed to call it that?) and time for a new IQuiz. Yes, that somewhat novel — in a Bogotá context anyway — night out that has taken the city by, um, storm. Well a sort of inconspicuous storm. It was a case of ‘eight...
@radiobrendan I’ve never really agreed to doing what are variable types of work by numbers. For example, back in my radio newsroom days we would be given a certain amount of stories to file daily, while the length of the hourly and main news bulletins had to be the same...
@radiobrendan We can often be quite selfish beings, or at the very least parochial. So while the El Niño weather phenomenon is causing significant hardship for many across Colombia and beyond in terms of severe drought, in Bogotá, to all extent and purposes, it’s been...
@radiobrendan A couple of years back the sister blog to this looked at some of Bogotá’s ‘broken windows’. That is to say, in relation to the broken windows theory on crime and its prevention, things in the Colombian capital that could be seen as pointing to a...
@wwaycorrigan By the very virtue of the fact that I maintain a blog as well as being a paid contributor to an on-line media group, the internet and its associated tools are important for me. Indeed for practically all journalists and writers these days, it’s almost an...
@radiobrendan In general, leaving Bogotá on a public holiday weekend, or puente as it’s known in these parts, can be more hassle than it’s really worth, especially if you’re going overland as the majority tend to do. Apart from the obligatory long queues at the bus terminals alongside inflated prices both for tickets and in […]
@radiobrendan For some expatriates in Colombia, perhaps after an initial hedonistic phase that many don’t escape, the country can become a land of opportunity, of sorts. Or at the very least a place to trial out new things. Not all will go on to have success, but most have...
@radiobrendan This blog tends not to do blatant advertising, but there are exceptions to that from time to time. And when it’s for a fun and, um, worthy cause, you could say that it’s almost obligatory to do so. You see, a few months back I had to make a ‘dash’ home to...
@radiobrendan It’s fairly well known that the Irish are migrants. Coming from a small island, yet at the same time close to a host of the world’s old superpowers, it was pretty much inevitable that we’d wander outside our shores to see ‘what’s out there’. Indeed in...
@radiobrendan It’s now almost two years since Bogotá’s SITP (Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público, Integrated Public Transport System) buses started rolling out. Unlike Santiago de Chile, authorities here went for a gradual process of replacing the old private,...