@radiobrendan There is no doubt that Colombia’s image has changed, in a positive sense, over the last number of years. Not only has this happened from an external perspective, where this naturally stunning country was once seen as a war zone and best to be avoided, but also internally. Many Colombians now have a desire, […]
@radiobrendan Times, in a financial context, are tough. Well, in many ways they’re tough (relatively speaking that is), but for now I’ll keep the focus on the money side of things. And on that score, they’ve been made even tougher by a visa oversight on my part. Hence the Colombian government will be taking even […]
@radiobrendan It has been, and continues to be, a turbulent time in Bogotá. OK, the cynics amongst you might ask when have things been otherwise, but in a political sense anyway it has been more topsy-turvy than it has been for some time. In brief summation, we’ve seen the city’s mayor Gustavo Petro shafted from […]