
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘We only give credit to those older than 90 and who bring one of their grandparents as a guarantor.’ That’s the English translation of one version of the various we-don’t-give-credit...

Colombia's credit contradiction
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@wwaycorrigan [For a YouTube version of this blog click here.] ‘El mejor clima del mundo.’ So runs the slogan on a sign welcoming visitors and passers-by to the town of Sutamarchán, in Colombia’s Boyacá department. It’s quite a claim, especially...

Sutamarchán, Boyacá, Colombia
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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Having more efficient, simpler processes is something the majority of us no doubt desire. In the ten years plus I’ve been using the services of Migración Colombia, its processes have become more...

Lending Migración Colombia a helping hand
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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] A bus makes a ten-minute stop at a station. Passengers are allowed to alight to stretch their legs and get a refreshment if they so wish. One of those who does get off leaves his bag on his seat. He doesn’t return. Cue security […]

Unattended bags on buses? Not a problem in Colombia (for Expreso Gómez Villa at least)
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