
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan It’s fairly well known that the Irish are migrants. Coming from a small island, yet at the same time close to a host of the world’s old superpowers, it was pretty much inevitable that we’d wander outside our shores to see ‘what’s out there’. Indeed in...

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Corrupt Colombia

@radiobrendan There’s an old but still very relevant joke that does the rounds in Colombia. It goes something like this: A prominent Colombian politician is invited to a major Canadian (insert any ‘First World’ country there) city by its mayor. On arrival, the visiting...

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@radiobrendan A friend asked me the other day, ‘What makes you angry the most?’ I chewed on it for a while and spat out a few things. There was, though, a common thread to them all: People not being honest. For I believe that I am, largely speaking, an honest person...

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@radiobrendan Oh no! Here it comes again. Yes, it’s that semi-awkward time of year for all Irish-born people; St Patrick’s Day (March 17), our national holiday. You see most Irish, from my experiences anyway, tend not to get too excited about things; we prefer to leave...

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@radiobrendan ‘Ireland; a great little country, if only you could put a roof over it.’ It’s difficult to go against that comedic summation of my homeland. Actually, you could add to it and suggest the construction of a few massive wind barriers as well. You see...

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Back to old school

@radiobrendan In some ways, this blog and writer follow a conservative path; in some ways that is. There’s an affinity with the old, ‘straightforward’ way of doing things, finding comfort in a relatively uncomplicated life. In this regard, for example,...

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@wwaycorrigan That old adage, ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’, is pretty much contrary to what this blog is all about. However, for some things, putting up resistance can be personally damaging, both in the short- and long-term. You see in Colombia, as is...

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What ales you

@radiobrendan This blog generally stands up for the underdog, those very much up against it. Well, this is certainly the case when it comes to social classes and the sporting arena. It tends to be less so, however, when price comes into play. That is to say, value-for-money is...

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@radiobrendan Damn Brazilians, at it again. Not satisfied with unceremoniously and controversially knocking Colombia out of this year’s Fifa World Cup — aided by a Spanish referee it must be said — now they’re ensuring their north-western neighbours endure a...

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@radiobrendan ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’; ‘Time is a great healer.’ They are two of the oldest sayings in the book and in many ways they complement and support each other. The result of using the sword is instant and at its most effective it generally...

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