
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan On the face of it, it seems like a no-brainer. On the 2nd of October, Colombians are going to be asked to vote either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for peace. That is to say, to give their backing to a deal finally reached between the government and the...

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Ignoring is bliss

@radiobrendan As the old saying goes, ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ While there may be times when this is not the case, more often than not it holds true. You can’t really get upset, worry, whatever, about something you are completely unaware of. Yet these days, with...

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@radiobrendan While there are those who take a zero-tolerance approach to relationship cheating, there are others who give it something of a scale of seriousness. True enough, a willingness to give some leeway in the event of a breach of trust might reflect that you weren’t...

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@radiobrendan A quick glance through the Colombian (Bogotá-centred ones anyway) newspapers or sitting down to watch the main TV news here and it’s unlikely you’ll read or hear much, if anything, about Zika. Indeed, most Bogotá residents have probably forgotten what...

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Bring on Brexit

@radiobrendan Let’s face it, the United Kingdom — the parts of it that matter in England and Wales anyway — has never really been that pushed on the European Union. One foot in, one foot out kind of job. So should the UK’s electorate do the, um, honourable thing...

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@radiobrendan It’s fair enough to assume that most of us like at least a little stability in our lives. The comfort of knowing, barring absolute disasters, that you can rely on certain things. Even in the world of sport where stability, nay predictability, might not be what we always want, we do have certain bankers. […]

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@radiobrendan Taking into account the grand history of our planet, it doesn’t take long at all for us humans, judging by behaviour anyway, to feel that certain things are indisputably part of where we are from. ‘It is what it is, and that’s just that.’...

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@radiobrendan Big city life, somewhat paradoxically, can be quite solitary. There are people all around us, yet as we go about our business they may as well not exist — indeed at times we might wish that to be the case. In this regard, Bogotá is no different to any other...

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@radiobrendan For many occurrences in life, it is easy to be wise after the event. Yet, while this Sunday, April 24th marks the passing of 100 years since the start of Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising, no one can say with any certainty what the men and women behind it should or...

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