
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘If it isn’t a hell yeah, it’s a no.’ So goes the advice from Derek Sivers, a man who I guess can be described as a self-help guru even if he doesn’t appear to use that title...

Hell yeah or no?! It's a no, so!
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Dawn of the downsizers

@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘You don’t know how easy you have it. In my day, life was far worse.’ This is one of the standard ripostes from older folk when they hear youngsters complaining about how bad their current...

Dawn of the downsizers
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘I wish to reply to the opinions of Brendan Corrigan (Letters, 9 October) where he gave his rather right-wing views on child benefit being means-tested. I have to say that I found Mr Corrigan’s views quite worrying. It is obvious to me that he lacks […]

Goodbye Nanny State! Hello Overbearing Mother Society
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] A barrio acquaintance, one who is not only very fond of marijuana and the hip psychedelic tusi but has also been a petty peddler of same, called me an alcoholic the other day. A case of, an outside observer...

'An alcoholic?! Me?! No way!'
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘We only give credit to those older than 90 and who bring one of their grandparents as a guarantor.’ That’s the English translation of one version of the various we-don’t-give-credit...

Colombia's credit contradiction
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] Stress, especially of the mental variety, is seen as something to be avoided for our overall well-being. At chronic levels, it can lead to anxiety, depression or other difficult-to-overcome afflictions of the...

Less stress, less success in these idle times
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