@wwaycorrigan [Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.] ‘Is it possible that he has nothing but cowardice and fear of death to make him live?’ So Sonia Marmeládova asked herself about the one she cared for dearly, the murderer Rodion Raskolnikov, in...
@wwaycorrigan [Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.] George Orwell’s dystopian classic, Nineteen Eighty-Four, while a work of fiction had, as most in the genre do, a basis in the reality of the time of its release. Published in 1949 when the world was still...
@wwaycorrigan [Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.] Many reasons have been given as to why certain countries continuously perform worse than others. The most common of these are the legacy of colonialism, the system of government in place, corruption, clientelism...
@wwaycorrigan (Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.) In my previous blog entry, I wrote about the possibility of the current cold war between China and the US heating up and how it could bring biological warfare to a new, devastating level. In light of the deep...
*Click here to listen to an audio version of this blog entry. @wwaycorrigan ‘Your grandparents and great-grandparents had to live through devastating wars, with a bloody end a very real possibility. Today, all you have to do to play your part is stay at home.’ This...
@wwaycorrigan There’s been a lot of frustration expressed on social media about the world’s longest coronavirus-induced lockdown. Since mid-March Colombia has not only been in a state of emergency but also in an ‘obligatory quarantine’. On the face of it,...
@wwaycorrigan Very few things in life are simple black and white affairs, not even Black Lives Matter. And certainly not this coronavirus pandemic. Little wonder, then, there’s confusion amongst the general public when we don’t exactly have one clear voice from the...
@wwaycorrigan In a classic episode of The Simpsons — in its heyday — a temporarily housebound Bart suspects that do-gooder neighbour Ned Flanders is about to murder his wife. He frantically calls the police and gets through to a ridiculous pre-record of options. In haste, he...
@wwaycorrigan Ignorantia juris non excusat. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. ‘It’s your fault, buddy, if you didn’t know what you were doing was illegal. Don’t waste energy blaming the system, take your punishment and learn from it.’ Taking that...
@wwaycorrigan ‘I’m blue, da ba dee da ba daa …’ Those of a certain vintage will remember that pop hit from the late 90s. What exactly the «blue» referred to in the song, I’m not sure, but with the passing of a generation since it was a...