Wrong Way Corrigan

Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan Rejection is never easy to accept. Nonetheless, like most things in life, the more we experience it, the better we are at dealing with it. Both personally and professionally I’ve had my fair share of rejection. I won’t say that I’m now indifferent...

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@wwaycorrigan About the only thing we can be certain of these days is that the uncertainty permeating through practically every sector of society is set to continue for the coming months if not years. Much has been written about the «new normals»  we’ll have to live with because of the coronavirus pandemic. Some of them, […]

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@wwaycorrigan As most of you regular readers of this blog may have realised, it’s not one that tends to engage in hyperbole. So, in honour of that, here’s the understatement of the year: The coronavirus crisis is having a negative impact on many sectors of the...

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@wwaycorrigan While born and raised on a farm in the west of Ireland, it would be quite a stretch to say that my upbringing was one where I lived completely off the land in some sort of idyllic, symbiotic relationship with nature. No. For one, we rarely directly consumed any of...

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@wwaycorrigan There really is no greater an emotive topic than death and the pain and suffering one’s passing inflicts on those left behind. (OK, romance heartbreak might come close at the actual moment of hurt but this generally diminishes with time.) We never really come...

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A world in disunion

@wwaycorrigan Those idealistic at heart may have thought that in a world connected as never before, the arrival of a common enemy of humankind would unite us as never before. You know, like in the Independence Day movie when the aliens attack, we rally together, led, of course,...

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@wwaycorrigan A sure-fire way to ensure you get the blood up of a large section of readers is to start off a blog post quoting Donald J. Trump. So here goes. The US president tweeted the other day about coronavirus and the measures being taken to control it that ‘We cannot...

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Loving Colombia

@wwaycorrigan In a previous episode of The Colombia Cast, the ‘Colombianised’ British-born historian Malcolm Deas said, in response to a question about his love for Colombia: ‘One doesn’t love countries, one loves people and dogs and cats and that sort of...

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