@wwaycorrigan Those idealistic at heart may have thought that in a world connected as never before, the arrival of a common enemy of humankind would unite us as never before. You know, like in the Independence Day movie when the aliens attack, we rally together, led, of course,...
@wwaycorrigan There has been much comment in recent weeks about a coming great change in how we humans conduct our affairs once we get through this coronavirus chaos. It’s a belief that a return to the status quo before the virus crisis is practically impossible. Our...
@wwaycorrigan A sure-fire way to ensure you get the blood up of a large section of readers is to start off a blog post quoting Donald J. Trump. So here goes. The US president tweeted the other day about coronavirus and the measures being taken to control it that ‘We cannot...
@wwaycorrigan In a previous episode of The Colombia Cast, the ‘Colombianised’ British-born historian Malcolm Deas said, in response to a question about his love for Colombia: ‘One doesn’t love countries, one loves people and dogs and cats and that sort of...
@wwaycorrigan When it comes to quaint colonial towns and villages, Colombia has a plethora to offer. Indeed, you could pretty much spend your whole life going from one to another, exploring the idiosyncrasies of each. Some say that there’s not a big difference between them. Once you’ve seen the ‘big’ ones — big as regards […]
@wwaycorrigan ‘Help, help! We need more help to put out this fire!’ ‘Don’t worry, I’m here.’ ‘Great!’ You lend a hand, doing the best you can to quench the intense flames. Then, the person who pleaded for your assistance, getting...
@wwaycorrigan In a recent episode of The Colombia Cast podcast, the eminent economist and political scientist James Robinson, co-author of the influential Why Nations Fail, restated his view that geography plays no part in the economic development of countries. Looking at it from an Americas perspective from the time Europeans arrived on these shores, that […]
@wwaycorrigan As much as some may wish it wasn’t so, the person — nay man as it has been and looks set to be for at least another four years — calling the shots in the White House exerts global significance. So while there will be those outside the USA, and even a small number […]
@wwaycorrigan OK, you might say ‘Oh here he goes again, throwing his toys out of the pram. Be grateful for what you have. Many locals would jump at the chance to be in your position.’ I understand that. What’s more, compared to said locals, other colleagues that is, I’ve had a fairly easy ride of […]
@wwaycorrigan Making comparisons between Colombia and Ireland is about as useful an exercise as sweeping leaves in a hurricane. Even where there are similarities, something previously touched on by this writer, their day-to-day relevance would seem fairly minuscule....