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Theologian Fabián Salazar Guerrero, director of the INTERFE Foundation.

Because of the speed of today’s life, there is less and less time to think, pray or meditate. The stress, the everyday life, the worries take away humanity from real life, displacing the space of growth and cultivation of the spiritual aspect.

Holy Week, more than a cultural tradition, is a beautiful opportunity for the exercise of reflecting on one’s existence, to establish priorities, to stop and to feel a deep gratitude for the opportunity of a new existence.

Holy Week shows love led to the fullness of giving of life for friends and even for enemies. It is not the glorification of masochism, nor that of a God thirsting for blood, nor the pointing against a people, nor that of the morbid sadism of violent death; By the other side, the cross is the result of a coherent life that bothers mediocrity, a committed life that denounces abuses, a merciful life that opposed marginalization, a peaceful life contrary to the temptations of revenge and a life full that overcomes death

Some questions can guide us:


What can I do to invest in my spiritual growth from prayer, meditation and thanksgiving?

What do I want to give up in my life, of everything that hurts me, that limits me, and that makes me unhappy?

Am I willing to put all that pain into the hands of God so that an existence without fear and without shadows may be reborn in me?

Which of my addictions will I leave aside to achieve a fuller and freer life?

What decisions will I take to give more silence and calm to my everyday life?

What can I do to generously serve my fellow men? What actions will I carry out to share my goods and talents with the most needy?

What spiritual food in readings and reflections will I select to continue strengthening my spirit?In what celebrations will I accompany my community of Faith?

What films, outside the traditions of Holy Week, will I look for to better understand my own beliefs?

Who will I go to give my heart my forgiveness? And who to ask?

Do I truly believe that an authentic life can overcome the death of mediocrity and heart warmth?

Can I leave sadness, the habit of complaining and fear, to continue my existence fully (Easter)?

And finally, how will I manifest the renewed Love of the God of Life in me?

I leave these reflections of growth for these days.


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El teólogo Fabián Salazar Guerrero, ha dedicado gran parte de su vida al estudio de diversas denominaciones religiosas, visitando varios países y compartiendo enseñanzas con líderes de diferentes tradiciones espirituales. Su labor como consultor, junto a su reconocida trayectoria como investigador y profesor Universitario de Teología, le ha permitido acompañar procesos de integración interconfesional y reconciliación. Actualmente dirige la fundación para el diálogo y la cooperación Intereligiosa INTERFE y se desempeña profesionalmente como consejero espiritual personal y empresarial.

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