
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] ‘Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against?’ ‘Whaddaya got?’ Some of you will recognise those lines from a classic scene in the 1953 US crime film The Wild One, with Marlon Brando playing protagonist Johnny Strabler. It was parodied, for those of us of […]

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@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] OK, I must make an important declaration first. I’m not a pet lover. This isn’t to say I’m anti-pets. I’ve no problem with them as long as I’ve little-to-no involvement when it comes to their care and attention. It’s the same way I feel […]

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@wwaycorrigan [Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.] Many reasons have been given as to why certain countries continuously perform worse than others. The most common of these are the legacy of colonialism, the system of government in place, corruption, clientelism...

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@wwaycorrigan Very few things in life are simple black and white affairs, not even Black Lives Matter. And certainly not this coronavirus pandemic. Little wonder, then, there’s confusion amongst the general public when we don’t exactly have one clear voice from the...

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