Wrong Way Corrigan

Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@radiobrendan With the club season, both domestically in Colombia and abroad, put to bed, attention on this side of the world turns to the Copa América. Chile provides what will be, um, the chilly venue for this year’s renewal. The winter weather apart, there are solid...

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@radiobrendan It took a while, but William Butler Yeats you’re going to have to eat your penned words now (or whatever you’ll do with them from beyond your grave). Romantic Ireland isn’t dead, as you infamously wrote in your poem September 1913. It has just been in a some way self-induced, other ways imposed, coma. […]

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@radiobrendan Well, that was pretty clear cut. Not only did the British Conservative Party get re-elected, but it did so in rather impressive fashion, securing an overall majority in the House of Commons. There’s no need for a messy coalition with those annoying Liberal...

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@radiobrendan This is, on the face of it, an important time coming up for Bogotá. In October the city’s inhabitants will vote for a new mayor. It’s a bit of an understatement to say that the outgoing Gustavo Petro administration endured a turbulent time. And...

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Forlorn Falcao

@radiobrendan You have to admire, in some ways, Colombian patriotism. Among each other they may bad-mouth their country and criticise its many ills, but when it comes to outside ‘attacks’ they seem pretty good at closing ranks and rallying behind Colombia’s...

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@radiobrendan It’s fairly well known that the Irish are migrants. Coming from a small island, yet at the same time close to a host of the world’s old superpowers, it was pretty much inevitable that we’d wander outside our shores to see ‘what’s out there’. Indeed in...

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