@radiobrendan For some, he’s seen as the moral standard-bearer of Colombia; the man ensuring the country stays on the right path. For others, he’s a dangerous, out of touch, official whose opinions and decisions hinder the country’s painstaking development....
Wrong Way Corrigan
Por: Wrong Way Corrigan@radiobrendan Have you heard the one about the Colombian Nazis? No? Well, somewhat worryingly, it’s not actually a joke. In this land of incredulous contradictions, there exists a rather confused bunch of adherents to the Adolf Hitler branch of fascism. Perhaps they were...
@radiobrendan It was meant to be a night of discovery, of potentially finding a new path in life in the depths of a Colombian jungle. However, for one British teenager, the only ‘path’ he found was the one leading to his sad end, his lifeless body dumped at the side...

@radiobrendan They say that it’s the small things in life that make a difference. The everyday occurrences, or non-occurrences as it may be, that matter most. To be honest, most of us don’t think about them that often – life could become a little overbearing if we...

@radiobrendan OK, credit where credit is due. We can all be quick to criticise but slow to give praise where it is warranted. In this regard, since this writer first uncovered the simple delights of Bogotá’s less than secure (to say the least) barrio of La Perseverancia,...

@radiobrendan ‘From war to peace: lessons from Ireland for Colombia.’ Thus ran the title of a talk Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, gave in Bogotá this week. The former IRA man, now very much in favour of the ballot box over the gun, is certainly well qualified to lecture on the subject.* And […]

@radiobrendan “In Colombia, we’re more concerned with the idea and not so much with the execution. Additionally, time management is messy here.” The above sentiments aren’t mine. Rather they are that of a Bogotá native now living and working in the U.S.A. In so many...

@radiobrendan There is no doubt that Colombia’s image has changed, in a positive sense, over the last number of years. Not only has this happened from an external perspective, where this naturally stunning country was once seen as a war zone and best to be avoided, but also internally. Many Colombians now have a desire, […]

@radiobrendan Times, in a financial context, are tough. Well, in many ways they’re tough (relatively speaking that is), but for now I’ll keep the focus on the money side of things. And on that score, they’ve been made even tougher by a visa oversight on my part. Hence the Colombian government will be taking even […]
@radiobrendan “Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” It certainly has been a hugely successful few days for the good folk at Google AdSense. A serious threat to the viability and reputation of its service has been removed. Order has been restored. Wrong Way’s...