Afro-Colombian open letter to Deputy Secretary of State @ABlinken asks to follow @BarackObama’s words
Leaders propose a change to empower Afro-Colombians in the relationship between the US and Colombia.
«We want support for our strategy, instead of helping the donor’s strategy (United States).
“The logic of public diplomacy in a country often differs from the strategic logic of the minority group to which it rests”
Thus says the letter that “Fundación Color de Colombia” addresses to the Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who will be in the country on April 27 and 28.
The letter sum up a missive from January 2015, sent to USAID Colombia by “Color de Colombia”, Chao Racism, and the Association of the Mayors of Municipalities with Afro-descendant population, Amunafro.
«We need to be seen as partners in charge of a shared cause, not as receptors of resources.
We believe that President Obama would agree with this», reads the communication to the Deputy Secretary of State Blinken.
President Obama’s words are cited at the Summit of the Americas in Panama and ask to apply the ‘soft power’ to access a change in US cooperation that would empower the Afro-Colombian population.
The actions pending before the Congress of Colombia and the United States are mentioned, and they are required to «support the Democrats and Republicans congressmen who protect the Afro-Colombian budget amount of Plan Colombia against cuts.»
Full text of the letter:
«Subject: Request of supporting for the empowerment of Afro-Colombians in the relationship between the US and Colombia.
Mr. the Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken:
Welcome to Colombia, a country where millions of black citizens have the dream to sit down at the table of progress, respect and equality.
We invite you to take part in a conversation that we have with USAID Colombia, for you to tide over us promote a change in the meaning of these words of President Obama at the Summit of the Americas:
We do really appreciate the cooperation of the United States. The reality is that as social receptors of international intervention, right now we are more active and independents than aforetime.
We want upholder for our strategy, instead of supporting the donor’s strategy.
The logic of public diplomacy in a country often differs from the strategic logic of the minority group to which it rests
We ask for an empowerment to cut down patterns of subordination and excessively slow progress that overwhelm us in our beloved country.
We need to be seen as partners in charge of a shared cause, not as recipients of resources. We believe that President Obama would agree with this.
This may be the time for you to advance the conversation and leave us a footprint of change.
We have come to our Congress, regarding the Afro-Colombian and indigenous budget amount of Plan Colombia and the Joint Action Plan to Promote Racial and Ethnic Equality signed between the two countries.
And we will take this conversation to the 45th Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, in September 2015, in a comparative perspective with Brazil and Peru.
Let us ask you to support the Democrats and Republicans Congressmen that protect the Afro-Colombian budget amount Plan Colombia against the cuts.
USAID Colombia can share the content of 18 pages of two formal letters with three of the most recognized Afro-Colombian institutions. Thus, you will know details about this search to leave the status quo.
Your government has shown that knows how to preserve the leadership adapting to the new realities more effectively using the ‘soft power’ to achieve objectives shared by humanity.
This is a simple case where the Obama’s administration legacy applies. We would appreciate your interest in this conversation».
Translated: Jorgelino Cordoba Mosquera