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Fabián Salazar Guerrero. Theologian. Director INTERFE Foundation. Colombia.

Many readers communicate with me to thank for the messages of the blog “spiritual dialogues” and to share situations of their life. Some of them describe different situations that along with moments of fullness, there are also moments when everything seems sad and obscure and appears some doubts about their future, about their abilities and about their possibilities of being happy.

Faced with this second situation, an accompaniment is required, but I recommend that a good start for a life with more happiness and meaning is to allow oneself to discover the surprises and opportunities that daily life offers.

I dared to point out a list of small joys, knowing that there are many more in each day. It is also a way to motivate you to make your own list and share it.

Some joys to enjoy every day:

– Get up with enormous gratitude for one more day of life.

– Do not go to bed without first doing an exercise of gratitude and forgiveness.

– Give generously and recognize the details that others had on the day with me.

– Take care of your body and mind with healthy feeding habits, good rest, physical activity, positive thoughts and self-love.

-To call a friend who has not greeted him for a long time.

– Kissing lovingly

– Love yourself by reading a chapter of a book, listening to music, watching movies or enjoying a short walk.

– Cooking or learning to cook.

– Tell to your relatives and friends the love that you feel about them.

-Respect and understand with patience to the people.

– Help to a stranger without expecting reward or applause.

– Enjoy your couple and surprise him or her with lovely details.

– Play again, dance and smile no matter what the people say.

-Work with enthusiasm, save a little money and share with people

-Celebrate by the triumphs and goals obtained in the day.

-Write a diary or make a photo album that is filled progressively.

– Go away from toxic people and toxic situations.

– Practice a hobby.

– Take care of a plant or a pet.

– Enjoy a good company.

-Share with children.

-Listen to the grandparents.

– Do some housework.

-Give yourself the opportunity of a silent moment, prayer or meditation.

– To be grateful to God for his infinite Love discovering that he is always there, with his Angels to take care of us

– Continue your own joyful list.

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El teólogo Fabián Salazar Guerrero, ha dedicado gran parte de su vida al estudio de diversas denominaciones religiosas, visitando varios países y compartiendo enseñanzas con líderes de diferentes tradiciones espirituales. Su labor como consultor, junto a su reconocida trayectoria como investigador y profesor Universitario de Teología, le ha permitido acompañar procesos de integración interconfesional y reconciliación. Actualmente dirige la fundación para el diálogo y la cooperación Intereligiosa INTERFE y se desempeña profesionalmente como consejero espiritual personal y empresarial.

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