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Wrong Way Corrigan

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@radiobrendan This blog tends not to do blatant advertising, but there are exceptions to that from time to time. And when it’s for a fun and, um, worthy cause, you could say that it’s almost obligatory to do so. You see, a few months back I had to make a ‘dash’ home to(...)

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@radiobrendan You have to admire, in some ways, Colombian patriotism. Among each other they may bad-mouth their country and criticise its many ills, but when it comes to outside ‘attacks’ they seem pretty good at closing ranks and rallying behind Colombia’s(...)

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@radiobrendan There’s an old but still very relevant joke that does the rounds in Colombia. It goes something like this: A prominent Colombian politician is invited to a major Canadian (insert any ‘First World’ country there) city by its mayor. On arrival, the visiting(...)

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@radiobrendan A friend asked me the other day, ‘What makes you angry the most?’ I chewed on it for a while and spat out a few things. There was, though, a common thread to them all: People not being honest. For I believe that I am, largely speaking, an honest person(...)

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@radiobrendan Oh no! Here it comes again. Yes, it’s that semi-awkward time of year for all Irish-born people; St Patrick’s Day (March 17), our national holiday. You see most Irish, from my experiences anyway, tend not to get too excited about things; we prefer to leave(...)

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@radiobrendan ‘Ireland; a great little country, if only you could put a roof over it.’ It’s difficult to go against that comedic summation of my homeland. Actually, you could add to it and suggest the construction of a few massive wind barriers as well. You see(...)

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@radiobrendan In some ways, this blog and writer follow a conservative path; in some ways that is. There’s an affinity with the old, ‘straightforward’ way of doing things, finding comfort in a relatively uncomplicated life. In this regard, for example,(...)

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@radiobrendan It’s nice to feel part of a community. Indeed, for the most part we’re social beings, thus to associate with a group is usually good for the body and soul. The majority of us are born into communities, some of which are more tightly knit than others. But(...)

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