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Wrong Way Corrigan

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@radiobrendan “In Colombia, we’re more concerned with the idea and not so much with the execution. Additionally, time management is messy here.” The above sentiments aren’t mine. Rather they are that of a Bogotá native now living and working in the U.S.A. In so many(...)

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@radiobrendan Times, in a financial context, are tough. Well, in many ways they’re tough (relatively speaking that is), but for now I’ll keep the focus on the money side of things. And on that score, they’ve been made even tougher by a visa oversight on my part.(...)

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@radiobrendan “Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” It certainly has been a hugely successful few days for the good folk at Google AdSense. A serious threat to the viability and reputation of its service has been removed. Order has been restored. Wrong Way’s(...)

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@radiobrendan There have been plenty of column inches, in Spanish, devoted to the poor level of English in Colombia. It’s something that the country’s leaders are keen to address. The first step of course in solving a problem is realising you have one, and just how(...)

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@radiobrendan Wow! What a surprise. Colombia apparently has somewhat of an obesity problem.* In a country renowned for its beautiful, well-proportioned women, surely this cannot be? Throw in the fact that there is much competition among the populace – both male and female –(...)

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@radiobrendan  One of the most popular questions many long-term ‘visitors’ to Colombia get thrown at them by the locals is ‘Por qué Colombia?’, ‘Why Colombia?’ or more specifically in my case ‘Why Bogotá?’ Most who ask this are quick to suggest an answer(...)

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