Wrong Way Corrigan

Por: Wrong Way Corrigan
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story, click here.] To a man, woman and non-binary individual, practically all Colombians I talk to echo my sentiments that it’s been a difficult year income-wise. Of course, many people say that their financial situation is...

Tight times with no respite in sight
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Exacting revenge

@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story, click here.] In a memorable episode — few were forgettable, in fairness — of the hit 1990s TV sitcom, Father Ted, the no-nonsense, hot-tempered Bishop Brennan gets a kick up the posterior from the comedy classic’s...

Exacting revenge
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story, click here.] Of all the subjects I may be deemed unqualified to comment on, parenting is surely one of them. It’s easy for me, a childless man, to be idealistic, to condemn what I believe to be poor parenting practices and be convinced that I would […]

Fake food
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] It’s been quite eventful on the news front in Colombia of late, even more so than normal. We’ve had corruption allegations leading right up to President Petro that have resulted in some high-profile...

Bogged down in Bogotá
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] ‘Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.’ It’s an oft-repeated piece of advice, one that well predates its memorable use by Michael Corleone in the 1974 movie masterpiece, The...

Fiendish frenemies: The toxicity of ambivalent relationships
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@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] OK, I’m probably not the best housemate to have. More precisely, I’m closer to being the worst housemate. The biggest reason for this is that I wish I didn’t have to share accommodation...

Drink-from-home boozers
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