
Foto del autor: José Luis Ramírez Morales

Localidad de Kennedy pide a gritos seguridad

Por: José Luis Ramírez Morales
Publicado en: Escombros

Distribuidos en 12 UPZ, en 525 barrios, 1’400.000 habitantes en Bogotá tienen una sola preocupación: llegar sanos y salvos a su hogar, levantarse y dar gracias por saber que están vivos. En 3.859 hectáreas y una de las dos localidades de mayor extensión y con el mayor...

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

The mild rover

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] ‘Oh, the wanderer is back.’ It’s a remark often directed at me whenever I return to Ireland. You see, some people in my birth country think that I’m a full-time traveller. The main reason for this, I figure, is down to where I’ve been based: […]

This year Wrong Way has been more of a rover than before.
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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Round by round we go. Oh no!

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] A customer enters one of his regular cafés. He sees some familiar and not-so-familiar faces. On ordering his brew, he also asks the attendant to serve out another round of drinks to the clientèle present, to...

Round by round we go — oh no!
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