Análisis del modelo económico colombiano.
Análisis del modelo económico colombiano.
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] OK, I’m probably not the best housemate to have. More precisely, I’m closer to being the worst housemate. The biggest reason for this is that I wish I didn’t have to share accommodation...
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] ‘You can’t unring a bell.’ Of the many quips former Ireland men’s rugby coach, Eddie O’Sullivan, has uttered, that one regularly reverberates in my mind. A different ball game In...
Acabo de cumplir un año de haber tomado la decisión de irme de mi ciudad natal, Bogotá; una oportunidad laboral en la costa Caribe hizo que empacara mis maletas y emprendiera un nuevo camino. Agobiado por los crecientes problemas que presenta la capital del país como lo son...
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] If somebody had told me in November 2008, just before I embarked on my first solo bout of world travelling, that I’d become indifferent to being involved in Gaelic football, I would have suggested they see...
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] A boy, about 12 years old, regularly comes into one of my panadería offices asking for food. Unfortunately, such a scene is not unusual in these parts. Pan out However, what makes this particular pauper stand...
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] Earn per hour what many Colombians would be doing well to make in a day. Largely be your own boss, decide how often you want to work and, for the most part, dictate the course of affairs. Outside of some sinecure or getting money […]
En el mes de abril no hay mejor plan que ir a la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá para conocer de primera mano las novedades editoriales y a muchos de los autores que aportan desde su trabajo al conocimiento de la sociedad colombiana. Hay libros para todos los gustos y la oferta temática es […]
@wwaycorrigan [For an audio version of this blog story click here.] Wouldn’t it be great if we could all (mis)manage our financial affairs in a similar way to many countries? That is, not only be in debt but continuously add to it, giving back only a fraction of the total...
Análisis sobre la censura a los medios rusos en el marco de la guerra de Ucrania.