@wwaycorrigan [For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.] A farmer’s work is never done. Be it tillage or livestock, caring for animals and crops is a perpetual process. Anyone who has worked on a farm appreciates — or at least should appreciate — this....
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] OK, I must make an important declaration first. I’m not a pet lover. This isn’t to say I’m anti-pets. I’ve no problem with them as long as I’ve little-to-no involvement when it comes to their care and attention. It’s the same way I feel […]
Yo siempre he sentido una conexión especial con los bulldog inglés y los bulldog francés. La verdad son los únicos perros que para mí valen la pena. El resto son un montón de descerebrados buenos para nada. Alguna vez sentí cierto aprecio por los boston terrier y los...