@radiobrendan A couple of years back the sister blog to this looked at some of Bogotá’s ‘broken windows’. That is to say, in relation to the broken windows theory on crime and its prevention, things in the Colombian capital that could be seen as pointing to a...
@radiobrendan The first step in solving a problem, so it is said, is realising you have one. It pretty much stands to reason really. You’ve got to know what you’re trying to fix before you begin to fix it. Yet, for some things, what one person sees as a problem, or at least feels it […]
@radiobrendan Times, in a financial context, are tough. Well, in many ways they’re tough (relatively speaking that is), but for now I’ll keep the focus on the money side of things. And on that score, they’ve been made even tougher by a visa oversight on my part. Hence the Colombian government will be taking even […]