
Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

‘Right you are, Colombia’

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@radiobrendan There is very often a significant difference between what one might like to see happen and what actually does transpire. In this regard, in relation to our previous post, lest there be any confusion, we don’t expect Humberto de la Calle to be Colombia’s...

Colombia's president-in-waiting, Iván Duque ...
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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Left misérables

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@radiobrendan We tend not to get too caught up in the left/right political tabs. It can be a bit simplistic to label somebody as purely leftist or rightist. Very often people display traits and have beliefs that come from both sides, regardless of how they may view themselves....

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