
Foto del autor: juan carlos bermudez

El temor a salir de fiesta en Bogotá

Por: juan carlos bermudez
Publicado en: ¿Esto le pasa?

La más reciente tragedia registrada es la del ingeniero Camilo Restrepo. Este diario informó el pasado domingo 15 de mayo que “Desde octubre de 2021 se han reportado 542 casos de intoxicación. En Bogotá los casos se duplicaron”. En las últimas semanas se han multiplicado por redes sociales toda clase de imágenes de personas desaparecidas […]

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Paths to cleaner living

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] One has to admire an individual who realises that he/she has a personal problem and takes corrective action. As a species, we are often quick to see the faults of others yet are blind to our own shortcomings....

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Tibaná time

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] I do sometimes feel a bit torn after getaways to Colombian pueblos — pueblo pick-me-ups as I like to call them — due to my desire or at least perceived need to blog about them. It’s because, as...

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

Lest we forget

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Sitting unhidden in one of my barrio tiendas sipping on a litre of Poker beer, it dawned on me that less than a year ago such behaviour was officially prohibited and had been for the guts of 12 months. I’m...

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