
Foto del autor: giovanni agudelo mancera

Bogotá, en caos y sin rumbo alguno

Por: giovanni agudelo mancera
Publicado en: La Sal en la Herida

Una alcaldesa que culpa a todo el mundo de su ineptitud y que no reconoce su paupérrima gestión. La movilidad en la ciudad es nula, eternas horas en trancones, el servicio público inseguro, colapsado, sin mantenimiento, sin soporte, tomado por los vendedores, los habitantes de calle, los inmigrantes de país vecino. Parece que la guerra […]

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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

The Bogotá curse

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Friday the 13th. Considering all that’s happened since, some superstitious types — not me, I hasten to add — might deem it quite portentous that this was the date of the initial, tentative encounter...

The Bogotá curse
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Foto del autor: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan

A pleasant Villanueva vibe

Por: Brendan 'Wrong Way' Corrigan
Publicado en: Wrong Way Corrigan

@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] One trend I’ve noticed in Colombia’s low-lying lands — lower than Bogotá that is — is that even rather small towns have a more sinister side to them compared to their loftier equivalents. I refer to locations in what is called tierra caliente, literally […]

Colombia's cowboy country
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