@wwaycorrigan The end-of-year bumper quiz, a tradition for many publications — English-language ones in any case (is it a thing in other languages?). And some of you may be aware that I had been running a quiz (or trivia, if you prefer) night, IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», in Bogotá since 2015. This year, though, […]
Navidad en Rock And Roll Aprovechando la época decembrina, quiero hacer una pequeña Nota sobre los roqueros que han hecho muy buenas canciones de Navidad. Y quiero comenzar por mi favorita que no me canso de escuchar y es: Do They Know Is Christmas Time, de Band Aid. Este...
@wwaycorrigan It’s our Quiz-mas cracker (see what we’ve done there?!) edition of IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Bogotá’s top trivia night. And while nothing beats being there (honestly, it’s better played live, competing with others in a fun, lively...
@wwaycorrigan [Listen to an audio version of this blog entry here.] Back in my largely innocent childhood days one of the most depressing times was when Christmas came to an end. In fact, the painful comedown started to kick in shortly after the 25th of December. Everything was...
@radiobrendan The world, it’s true to say, has never been as interconnected, and not just in a virtual way. We can move around the globe like no other time in our history, finding ourselves immersed in cultures quite distinct from our own, yet at the same time be close to...
@radiobrendan The on-line edition of the Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘sport’ as ‘an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment’. The amount of ‘physical...
Pues bien, este tema me lo encontré rastreando el tema de la navidad en las bibliotecas digitales. Allí me esperaba una linda sorpresa. Pero antes, hablemos de las tarjetas navideñas. Si bien ya en la antigua Roma se intercambiaban mensajes a través de pequeños trozos de...
@radiobrendan Damn Brazilians, at it again. Not satisfied with unceremoniously and controversially knocking Colombia out of this year’s Fifa World Cup — aided by a Spanish referee it must be said — now they’re ensuring their north-western neighbours endure a...