Los que quieren bajar de peso de manera efectiva deben de evitar estos errores: Consumo de productos «light»: Uno de los errores más comunes es el de consumir en exceso productos light. Se deben de medir las raciones, ya que se tiende a confiarse en la ingesta de estos...
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Signorina Molén
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Natalia Gnecco Blog
@NataliaGnecco In Japanese, the word Kangen means “return to the origin”. I met Roberto Gomez in Miami, who distributes the alkaline ionized water generator that extracts the acid from tap water through electrolysis, leaving pure healthy alkaline water for drinking. Kangen...
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Wrong Way Corrigan
@radiobrendan Right. That’s it. I can’t stay silent about this any more. In fact, if I don’t vent now there’s a danger that if things build up any further, who knows what I might do? So, let Operation De-steam commence. Good citizens of Colombia please,...
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