@radiobrendan It tends to be the case that going green is one of the last things countries concern themselves with on the route to ‘development’. Environmental issues are usually an afterthought as states strive to boost their economies. This can be particularly...
No sé si será positivo o más bien es un defecto, pero sin proponérmelo en muchos de mis escritos siempre hago remembranzas de la niñez para abordar un tema. Como en este caso, cuando se me viene a la cabeza esa imagen de cuando mis padres me metían en el carrito del mercado recorriendo los […]
@radiobrendan Exciting times out there. A middle-class revolution (of sorts) is in the Bogotá air. You see there was a time when those of a perceived certain standing in these parts wouldn’t be seen dead in what would be considered a more normal establishment. They had a...