@radiobrendan For the last 12 months or so Colombia seemed to be on the crest of a wave somewhat. This was mostly down to the implementation of the peace deal signed between the government and the country’s largest rebel group, Farc. Heady times, albeit superficially and in just some areas. The bounce Colombia got internationally […]
@radiobrendan It’s fair enough to assume that most of us like at least a little stability in our lives. The comfort of knowing, barring absolute disasters, that you can rely on certain things. Even in the world of sport where stability, nay predictability, might not be what we always want, we do have certain bankers. […]
@radiobrendan Right, I knew there existed in Colombia a tiny segment of support for, to say the least, a less than glorious period of German history and the accompanying beliefs associated with it. However, I wasn’t aware that love of the ‘Fatherland’ here is...
@radiobrendan This blog tends to look out for the underprivileged. So when the ‘have nots’ strike a blow against the ‘haves’, especially in a place riven with inequality such as Colombia, it’s usually something to support. It’s not often that...
@radiobrendan ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ So considering our own crowd, that is to say the Republic of Ireland, couldn’t beat them, the choice for most Irish, even those with just a token interest in soccer (football if you will), is to join them...
@radiobrendan The time for posturing and talking is almost over. We’ve known the participants for some time, now we’re about to find out which one has what it takes to go all the way. Most of us, more or less, have a pretty decent idea of who the genuine contenders...