@wwaycorrigan Our latest IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», edition LIX (59, in case Roman numerals aren’t your thing!) is now available to play at your own leisure on YouTube. Check it out at https://youtu.be/ik53imrAocg. The live event took place on 01 December, important to note for the on-this-day questions. By the way, the winning team […]
@wwaycorrigan Our latest IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», edition LVIII, took place on Thursday 06 October 2022. You can play a YouTube video version of it at your own leisure via https://youtu.be/pUaS1IQbrK0. Let us know how you get on!...
@wwaycorrigan As I’ve always said, it’s better (and more profitable for me!) to actually come to IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz» for real. Of course, for those not residing in Bogotá, physical attendance at the city’s top trivia night is next to impossible. So,...
@wwaycorrigan The Wrong Way Corrigan Brains Trust has been otherwise engaged over the last couple of weeks. The chief reason was due to our planning of the latest IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Bogotá’s top trivia night! The actual live event, our 55th edition, took place at Bogotá’s snug Cervecería Gigante on Plaza de Lourdes […]
@wwaycorrigan It’s our Quiz-mas cracker (see what we’ve done there?!) edition of IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Bogotá’s top trivia night. And while nothing beats being there (honestly, it’s better played live, competing with others in a fun, lively...
@wwaycorrigan With the not-quite-post-pandemic «new normal» taking shape, IQuiz «The Bogotá Pub Quiz», Colombia’s favourite (pending independent verification) trivia night made a long-awaited live return. Cervecería Gigante, an old acquaintance but now with a shiny...
Existen referencias de que en la antigua Mesopotamia se producía cerveza. La historia dice que se han encontrado recetas de elaboración de cerveza escritas en idiomas muy antiguos. La bebida les gustó tanto a los egipcios que la adoptaron como su bebida nacional y aprendieron...
@radiobrendan When it comes to beer drinking in Colombia, the market is dominated by the bog-standard Bavaria beers. The nation’s tipple of choice is generally a Poker, Aguila or Costeña, with some opting for the more ‘upmarket’ Club Colombia. They’re far from amazing, but they’re fine all the same. Yet for those looking for a […]
@radiobrendan It’s fair to say that it’s largely down to the Irish Americans, those in the US to be clear, that St Patrick’s Day is as big and wide-reaching a celebration that it is these days. They glamorised, as only they can, what had been back in its origin...