@wwaycorrigan Rejection is never easy to accept. Nonetheless, like most things in life, the more we experience it, the better we are at dealing with it. Both personally and professionally I’ve had my fair share of rejection. I won’t say that I’m now indifferent...
@wwaycorrigan In a recent episode of The Colombia Cast podcast, the eminent economist and political scientist James Robinson, co-author of the influential Why Nations Fail, restated his view that geography plays no part in the economic development of countries. Looking at it from an Americas perspective from the time Europeans arrived on these shores, that […]
@wwaycorrigan Making comparisons between Colombia and Ireland is about as useful an exercise as sweeping leaves in a hurricane. Even where there are similarities, something previously touched on by this writer, their day-to-day relevance would seem fairly minuscule....
@wwaycorrigan Back in my early secondary school days, as a country lad heading off to mix it with the townies, it was common for the latter to mock us. We were farmer boys, or rednecks, as they say in some parts. It was generally a bit of innocent slagging but no doubt it had its […]
@wwaycorrigan I came across … … No, let’s use a different phrasal verb considering the subject matter here. I stumbled across — much better — a quote from John Bayley, the (long-suffering?!) husband of the late Irish-British novelist Iris Murdoch. Bayley...
@wwaycorrigan There is an expression we use in Ireland to describe those who put themselves before everybody else. We call them ‘mé féiners’, putting an English ending to two Irish-language words, ‘mé féin’, meaning ‘myself’. Basically, you could say these are a type of fundamentalist individualist. ‘The greater good for the greater number’ only comes […]
@wwaycorrigan There is a general belief that ‘true’ journalism — the old, honest, non-fake news kind that is — and marketing don’t go together. Or, by definition at least, the former should always be very suspicious of the latter. A science versus religion...
@wwaycorrigan Some of you may have noticed (hopefully you did anyway!) that there hasn’t been a new post up here for some time. In fact, November was the first-ever ‘dry month’ in terms of new blog stories since this page went live back in January 2014. There...
@wwaycorrigan After almost seven years of having Bogotá as the base, the greatest ‘achievement’ — let’s not get caught up in the semantics here — has been my assimilation to the working-class Bogotá barrio life. While many locals with aspirations to...
@radiobrendan Sorry, sorry. I know the, um, legions of Wrong Way readers have been wondering where I’ve got to the last while. The recent presidential election and Colombia’s World Cup exploits, nay the tournament in general, have been distractions for sure. «Yet»,...