@wwaycorrigan Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister (Tánaiste), Leo Varadkar, has said he wants to make the visa process easier for Colombians who want to study and work in the country. Speaking at a St Patrick’s Day reception at the Irish ambassador’s residence in...
Existen referencias de que en la antigua Mesopotamia se producía cerveza. La historia dice que se han encontrado recetas de elaboración de cerveza escritas en idiomas muy antiguos. La bebida les gustó tanto a los egipcios que la adoptaron como su bebida nacional y aprendieron...
@radiobrendan It’s fair to say that it’s largely down to the Irish Americans, those in the US to be clear, that St Patrick’s Day is as big and wide-reaching a celebration that it is these days. They glamorised, as only they can, what had been back in its origin...
@radiobrendan It’s a new year (are we still allowed to call it that?) and time for a new IQuiz. Yes, that somewhat novel — in a Bogotá context anyway — night out that has taken the city by, um, storm. Well a sort of inconspicuous storm. It was a case of ‘eight...
@radiobrendan Oh no! Here it comes again. Yes, it’s that semi-awkward time of year for all Irish-born people; St Patrick’s Day (March 17), our national holiday. You see most Irish, from my experiences anyway, tend not to get too excited about things; we prefer to leave...